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本章节下载 75-定时自动开启无线射频功能典型配置举例(V5)  (208.68 KB)
































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1  简介


2  配置前提




3  配置举例

3.1  组网需求


图1 定时执行任务功能自动开启无线射频组网图


3.2  配置思路


3.3  配置注意事项


3.4  配置步骤

3.4.1  AC的配置

(1)     配置AC接口

# 创建VLAN 100及其对应的VLAN接口,并为该接口配置IP地址。AC将使用该接口的IP地址与AP建立LWAPP隧道。

<AC> system-view

[AC] vlan 100

[AC-vlan100] quit

[AC] interface vlan-interface 100

[AC-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24

[AC-Vlan-interface100] quit

# 创建VLAN 200作为WLAN-ESS接口的缺省VLAN。

[AC] vlan 200

[AC-vlan200] quit

# 创建VLAN 300作为Client接入的业务VLAN,配置VLAN 300的接口IP地址。

[AC] vlan 300

[AC-vlan300] quit

[AC] interface vlan-interface 300

[AC-Vlan-interface300] ip address 24

[AC-Vlan-interface300] quit

# 配置AC和Switch相连的接口GigabitEthernet1/0/1为Trunk类型,禁止VLAN 1报文通过,允许VLAN 100和VLAN 300通过,当前Trunk口的PVID为100。

[AC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 300

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk pvid vlan 100

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

(2)     配置DHCP服务

# 创建名为vlan100的DHCP地址池,地址池范围为192.168.0.200~,网关地址为192.168.0.100。

[AC] dhcp server ip-pool vlan100 extended

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan100] network ip range

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan100] network mask

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan100] gateway-list

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan100] quit

# 创建名为vlan300的DHCP地址池,地址池范围为192.168.3.200~,网关地址为192.168.3.100。

[AC] dhcp server ip-pool vlan300 extended

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan300] network ip range

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan300] network mask

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan300] gateway-list

[AC-dhcp-pool-vlan300] quit

# 使能DHCP服务。

[AC] dhcp enable

# 在VLAN 100接口上应用DHCP地址池vlan100。

[AC] interface vlan-interface 100

[AC-Vlan-interface100] dhcp server apply ip-pool vlan100

[AC-Vlan-interface100] quit

# 在VLAN 300接口上应用DHCP地址池vlan300。

[AC] interface vlan-interface 300

[AC-Vlan-interface300] dhcp server apply ip-pool vlan300

[AC-Vlan-interface300] quit

(3)     配置WLAN-ESS接口

# 创建WLAN-ESS 1接口,并进入该视图。

[AC] interface wlan-ess 1

# 配置端口的链路类型为Hybrid。

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] port link-type hybrid

# 配置接口WLAN-ESS 1的的缺省VLAN为VLAN 200,禁止VLAN 1报文通过,并允许VLAN 200报文不带VLAN tag。

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] port hybrid pvid vlan 200

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] undo port hybrid vlan 1

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] port hybrid vlan 200 untagged

# 使能MAC VLAN功能。

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] mac-vlan enable

[AC-WLAN-ESS1] quit

(4)     配置无线服务

# 创建clear类型的服务模板1。

[AC] wlan service-template 1 clear

# 设置服务模板1的SSID(服务模板的标识)为office。

[AC-wlan-st-1] ssid office

# 将WLAN-ESS 1接口绑定到服务模板1。

[AC-wlan-st-1] bind wlan-ess 1

# 开启服务模板。

[AC-wlan-st-1] service-template enable

[AC-wlan-st-1] quit

(5)     配置射频接口并绑定服务模板

# 创建AP名称为ap1,型号名称为WA2620E-AGN,序列号为210235A29G007C000020。

[AC] wlan ap ap1 model WA2620E-AGN

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1] serial-id 210235A29G007C000020

# 进入AP的radio 1射频视图。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1] radio 1

# 将在AC上配置的服务模板1映射到射频1,设置绑定到射频接口的VLAN编号为VLAN 300。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] service-template 1 vlan-id 300

# 使能AP的radio 1。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] radio enable

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-1] quit

# 进入AP的radio 2射频视图。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1] radio 2

# 将在AC上配置的服务模板1映射到射频2,设置绑定到射频接口的VLAN编号为VLAN 300。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-2] service-template 1 vlan-id 300 300

# 使能AP的radio 2。

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-2] radio enable

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1-radio-2] quit

(6)     配置定时执行任务

# 创建定时执行任务radio_disable,并进入定时执行任务视图。

[AC] job radio_disable

# 配置运行指定命令的视图为system系统视图。

[AC-job-radio_disable] view system

# 配置定时执行任务,使设备在每天20:00关闭所有radio。

[AC-job-radio_disable] time 1 repeating at 20:00 command wlan radio disable all

[AC-job-radio_disable] time 2 repeating at 20:00 command y

[AC-job-radio_disable] quit

# 创建定时执行任务radio_enable,并进入定时执行任务视图。

[AC] job radio_enable

# 配置运行指定命令的视图为system系统视图。

[AC-job-radio_enable] view system

# 配置定时执行任务,使设备在每天8:00开启所有radio。

[AC-job-radio_enable] time 1 repeating at 08:00 command wlan radio enable all

[AC-job-radio_enable] time 2 repeating at 08:00 command y

[AC-job-radio_enable] quit

3.4.2  Switch的配置

# 创建VLAN 100和VLAN 300,其中VLAN 100用于转发AC和AP间LWAPP隧道内的流量,VLAN 300为无线客户端接入的VLAN。

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] vlan 100

[Switch-vlan100] quit

[Switch] vlan 300

[Switch-vlan300] quit

# 配置Switch和AC相连的GigabitEthernet1/0/1接口属性Trunk,禁止VLAN 1报文通过,当前Trunk口的PVID为100,允许VLAN 100和VLAN 300通过。

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 300

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk pvid vlan 100

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# 配置Switch与AP相连的GigabitEthernet1/0/2接口属性为Access,当前Access口允许VLAN 100通过。

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type access

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port access vlan 100

# 配置Switch与AP相连的GigabitEthernet1/0/2接口使能PoE功能。

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] poe enable

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

3.5  验证配置

# 在AC上通过命令行display wlan ap name ap1 verbose查看ap1 radio的管理状态Admin State,在8:00~20:00,radio的管理状态为UP,在其它时间radio的管理状态为DOWN。

[AC] display wlan ap name ap1 verbose

 AP Profile: ap1


 APID                          : 1

 AP System Name                : Not Configured

 Map Configuration             : Not Configured

 State                         : Run

 Up Time(hh:mm:ss)             : 00:01:17


 Model                         : WA2620E-AGN

 Serial-ID                     : 210235A29G007C000020

 IP Address                    :


 H/W Version                   : Ver.A

 S/W Version                   : V500R002B109D024SP01

 Boot-Rom Version              : 1.23

 Description                   : Not Configured


 Connection Type               : Master

 Peer AC MAC Address           : -NA-

 Priority Level                : 7

 Echo Interval(s)              : 10

 Statistics report Interval(s) : 50


 Cir(Kbps)                     : -NA-

 Cbs(Bytes)                    : -NA-


 Jumboframe Threshold          : Disable


 Transmitted control packets   : 34

 Received control packets      : 34

 Transmitted data packets      : 0

 Received data packets         : 0


 Configuration Failure Count   : 0

 Last Failure Reason           :


 Last Reboot Reason            : Tunnel Initiated


 Latest IP Address             :

 Tunnel Down Reason            : No Reason

 Connection Count              : 1


 AP Mode                       : Split

 AP operation mode             : Normal

 Portal Service                : Enable

 Device Detection              : Disable

 Maximum Number of Radios      : 2

 Current Number of Radios      : 2

 Client Keep-alive Interval    : Disable

 Client Idle Interval(s)       : 3600

 Broadcast-probe Reply Status  : Enable

 Radio 1:

   Basic BSSID                 : 0023-893c-c1c0

   Current BSS Count           : 3

   Running Clients Count       : 0

   Wireless Mode               : 11an

   Client Dot11n-only          : Disabled

   Channel Band-width          : 20/40MHz

   Secondary Channel Offset    : SCA

   HT Protection Mode          : non-member protection

   Short GI for 20MHz          : Not supported

   Short GI for 40MHz          : Supported

   Mandatory MCS Set           : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

   Support MCS Set             : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

   A-MSDU                      : Enabled

   A-MPDU                      : Enabled

   Configured Channel          : auto(149)

   Configured Power (dBm)      : 16  auto(14)

   Interference (%)            : -NA-

   Channel Load (%)            : -NA-

   Utilization (%)             : -NA-

   Co-channel Neighbor Count   : -NA-

   Channel Health              : -NA-

   Radio Policy                : default_rp

   Service Template            : 1

     SSID                      : office

     Port                      : WLAN-DBSS1:3000

   Mesh Policy                 : default_mp_plcy

   ANI Support                 : Enable

   Admin State                 : UP

   Physical State              : UP

   Operational Rates (Mbps):

     6                         : mandatory

     9                         : supported

     12                        : mandatory

     18                        : supported

     24                        : mandatory

     36                        : supported

     48                        : supported

     54                        : supported

   Radar detected Channels     : None

 Radio 2:

   Basic BSSID                 : 0023-893c-c1d0

   Current BSS Count           : 3

   Running Clients Count       : 0

   Wireless Mode               : 11gn

   Client Dot11n-only          : Disabled

   Channel Band-width          : 20MHz

   Secondary Channel Offset    : SCN

   HT Protection Mode          : non-member protection

   Short GI for 20MHz          : Not supported

   Short GI for 40MHz          : Supported

   Mandatory MCS Set           : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

   Support MCS Set             : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

   A-MSDU                      : Enabled

   A-MPDU                      : Enabled

   Configured Channel          : auto(1)

   Configured Power (dBm)      : 19  auto(14)

   Interference (%)            : -NA-

   Channel Load (%)            : -NA-

   Utilization (%)             : -NA-

   Co-channel Neighbor Count   : -NA-

   Channel Health              : -NA-

   Preamble Type               : short

   Radio Policy                : 2

   Service Template            : 1

     SSID                      : office

     Port                      : WLAN-DBSS1:3003

   Mesh Policy                 : default_mp_plcy

   ANI Support                 : Enable

   11g Protection              : Disable

   Admin State                 : UP

   Physical State              : UP

   Operational Rates (Mbps):

     1                         : mandatory

     2                         : mandatory

     5.5                       : mandatory

     6                         : supported

     9                         : supported

     11                        : mandatory

     12                        : supported

     18                        : supported

     24                        : supported

     36                        : supported

     48                        : supported

     54                        : supported

   Radar detected Channels     : None


3.6  配置文件

·     AC:


job radio_disable

  view system

  time 1 repeating at 20:00 command wlan radio disable all

  time 2 repeating at 20:00 command y

job radio_enable

  view system

  time 1 repeating at 08:00 command wlan radio enable all

  time 2 repeating at 08:00 command y


dhcp server ip-pool vlan100 extended

 network ip range

 network mask



dhcp server ip-pool vlan300 extended

 network ip range

 network mask



vlan 100


vlan 200


vlan 300


wlan service-template 1 clear

 ssid office

 bind WLAN-ESS 1

 service-template enable


interface Vlan-interface100

 ip address

 dhcp server apply ip-pool vlan100


interface Vlan-interface300

 ip address

 dhcp server apply ip-pool vlan300


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 100 300

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk pvid vlan 100


interface WLAN-ESS1

 port link-type hybrid

 port hybrid pvid vlan 200

 undo port hybrid vlan 1

 port hybrid vlan 200 untagged

 mac-vlan enable


wlan ap ap1 model WA2620E-AGN id 1

 serial-id 210235A29G007C000020

 radio 1

  service-template 1 vlan-id 300

  radio enable

 radio 2

  service-template 1 vlan-id 300

  radio enable


 dhcp enable


·     Switch:


vlan 100


vlan 300


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 100

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk pvid vlan 100


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-type access

 port access vlan 100

 poe enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-type access

 port access vlan 100


4  相关资料

·     《H3C无线控制器产品 配置指导》中的“基础配置指导”。

·     《H3C无线控制器产品 命令参考》中的“基础命令参考”。

·     《H3C无线控制器产品 配置指导》中的“WLAN配置指导”。

·     《H3C无线控制器产品 命令参考》中的“WLAN命令参考”。


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