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H3C园区盒式交换机 CLI快速配置指南-6W104

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1  恢复出厂配置

1.1  简介


1.2  配置注意事项



1.3  配置步骤

·     执行restore factory-default命令行并重启设备

# 将设备恢复到出厂状态。

<Sysname> restore factory-default

This command will restore the system to the factory default configuration and clear the operation data. Continue [Y/N]:y

Restoring the factory default configuration. This process might take a few minutes. Please wait..........................................................................................................Done.

Please reboot the system to place the factory default configuration into effect.

# 重启设备,请不要选择保存当前配置。重启完成之后,设备将恢复到出厂状态。

<Sysname> reboot
Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........DONE!
Current configuration will be lost after the reboot, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n

This command will reboot the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now rebooting, please wait...

·     删除配置文件并重启设备

# 显示用于本次及下次启动的配置文件的名称。

<Sysname> display startup


 Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg

 Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg

 Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL

# 查看设备当前已存在的配置文件。

<Sysname> dir

Directory of flash:

   0 -rw-        6244 Jan 08 2013 07:26:03   startup.cfg

   1 -rw-      136628 Jan 08 2013 07:26:03   startup.mdb

   2 -rw-       58704 Jan 03 2013 07:56:22   diag_H3C_20130103-005605.tar.gz


# 删除下次启动的配置文件。

<Sysname> delete /unreserved startup.cfg

The file cannot be restored. Delete flash:/startup.cfg?[Y/N]:y

Deleting a file permanently will take a long time. Please wait...

%Delete file flash:/startup.cfg...Done.

# 重启设备。重启完成之后,设备将恢复到出厂状态。

<Sysname> reboot

Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........DONE!

Current configuration will be lost after the reboot, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n

This command will reboot the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now rebooting, please wait...

·     清除保存的配置并重启设备


·     缺省情况下,本特性会将下次启动配置文件从所有的成员设备上彻底删除,请谨慎使用。如果只需从主设备上删除下次启动配置文件,请关闭配置文件同步功能。

·     重启设备时,请勿保存当前配置文件。


# 显示用于本次及下次启动的配置文件的名称。

<Sysname> display startup


 Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg

 Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg

 Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL

# 删除下次启动的主用配置文件。

<Sysname> reset saved-configuration

The saved configuration file will be erased. Are you sure? [Y/N]:Y

如果设备上存在备用配置文件,则需再执行reset saved-configuration backup命令,本例中不需要执行此命令。

# 重启设备。重启完成之后,设备将恢复到出厂状态。

<Sysname> reboot
Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........DONE!

Current configuration will be lost after the reboot, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n

This command will reboot the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now rebooting, please wait...

1.4  相关资料

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“配置文件管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“配置文件管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“设备管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“设备管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“文件系统管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“文件系统管理”。


2  备份配置文件

2.1  简介


2.2  组网需求

图1示,备份Device的当前配置文件,并保存到FTP Server上。

图1 备份配置文件组网图


2.3  配置准备

请确保Device设备与FTP Server间路由可达。

2.4  配置步骤

# 保存设备配置,配置文件名采用缺省名字startup.cfg。

<Sysname> save

The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/startup.cfg]

(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):

Validating file. Please wait...

Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.


# 将startup.cfg文件上传到FTP服务器上。

<Sysname> ftp

Press CTRL+C to abort.

Connected to (

220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user

User ( root

331 Give me your password, please


230 Logged in successfully

Remote system type is MSDOS.

ftp> binary

200 Type is Image (Binary)

ftp> put start.cfg

ftp: No such file or directory

ftp> put startup.cfg

227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,1,235,54)

150 "D:\temp\startup.cfg" file ready to receive in IMAGE / Binary mode    


226 Transfer finished successfully.

4326 bytes sent in 0.003 seconds (1.49 Mbytes/s)

2.5  验证配置

# 查看上传的配置文件。

ftp> dir

227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,1,252,152)

1 File Listing Follows in ASCII mode

-rwxrwxrwx   1 noone    nogroup     4326 Sep  2 14:00 startup.cfg


2.6  相关资料

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“配置文件管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“配置文件管理”。

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“FTP和TFTP”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“FTP和TFTP”。


3  跳过自动配置

3.1  简介


设备空配置启动时,首先自动检查存储介质的根目录下是否存在autocfg.pyautocfg.tcl autocfg.cfg配置文件。如果存在,则直接执行此文件;如果不存在,则通过自动从文件服务器上获取并执行配置脚本文件或配置文件,实现自动配置功能。autocfg.pyautocfg.tclautocfg.cfg配置文件同时只能在设备上存在一个。



3.2  组网需求


图2 跳过自动配置组网图


3.3  配置准备


3.4  配置步骤

# 设备开机启动。


Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC BOOT MENU                                         

Press Ctrl+T to start heavy memory test                                        



*                                                                              *

*                 H3C S5570S-28S-HPWR-EI  BOOTROM, Version 105                 *

*                                                                              *


Copyright (c) 2004-2021 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.                         


Creation Date         : Jul  6 2021                                            

CPU Clock Speed       : 1000MHz                                                

Memory Type           : DDR4 SDRAM                                             

Memory Size           : 1024MB                                                 

Memory Speed          : 800MHz                                                 

CPLD Version          : 001                                                    

PCB Version           : Ver.A                                                  

Mac Address           : b04414cd47a4                                           



BootRom Validating...                                                          

Press Ctrl+B to access EXTENDED BOOT MENU...0                                   

Loading the main image files...                                                

Loading file flash:/s5570s_ei-cmw710-system-e1105p09.bin........................


Loading file flash:/s5570s_ei-cmw710-devkit-e1105p09.bin.....Done.             

Loading file flash:/s5570s_ei-cmw710-boot-e1105p09.bin.........Done.           


Image file flash:/s5570s_ei-cmw710-boot-e1105p09.bin is self-decompressing......









System is starting...                                                          

Cryptographic algorithms tests passed.                                         


Startup configuration file doesn't exist or is invalid.                        

Performing automatic configuration... Press CTRL_C or CTRL_D to break.         


Automatic configuration attempt: 1.                                            

Not ready for automatic configuration: no interface available.                 

Waiting for the next...       


Automatic configuration attempt: 2.                                            

Not ready for automatic configuration: no interface available.                 

Waiting for the next...                    



3.5  相关资料

·     产品配套“基础配置指导”中的“自动配置”。

·     产品配套“基础配置命令参考”中的“自动配置”。

不同款型规格的资料略有差异, 详细信息请向具体销售和400咨询。H3C保留在没有任何通知或提示的情况下对资料内容进行修改的权利!
