15-VXLAN Command Reference

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VXLAN commands· 1

Basic VXLAN commands· 1

ac statistics enable· 1

arp suppression enable· 1

bandwidth (Ethernet service instance view) 2

bandwidth (VSI view) 3

description· 4

display arp suppression vsi 4

display igmp host group· 5

display ipv6 nd suppression vsi 7

display l2vpn mac-address· 8

display l2vpn service-instance· 10

display l2vpn vsi 12

display vxlan tunnel 15

emulate-ping vxlan· 16

encapsulation· 18

flooding disable (Ethernet service instance view) 20

flooding disable (VSI view) 20

group· 21

igmp host enable· 22

ipv6 nd suppression enable· 23

l2vpn enable· 24

learning mode disable· 24

mac-address mac-learning priority· 25

mac-address static vsi 26

mac-based ac· 27

reserved vxlan· 28

reset arp suppression vsi 29

reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi 29

reset l2vpn mac-address· 30

reset l2vpn statistics ac· 30

reset l2vpn statistics vsi 31

restrain· 31

selective-flooding mac-address· 32

service-instance· 33

shutdown· 34

statistics enable (Ethernet service instance view) 34

statistics enable (tunnel interface view) 35

statistics enable (VSI view) 35

tunnel 36

tunnel bfd enable· 37

tunnel global source-address· 38

tunnel statistics vxlan auto· 39

vsi 40

vxlan· 40

vxlan default-decapsulation· 41

vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard· 42

vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard· 42

vxlan local-mac report 43

vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable· 44

vxlan udp-port 44

vxlan vlan-based· 45

vxlan vni 46

vxlan-over-vxlan enable· 46

xconnect vsi 47

OVSDB commands· 49

ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate· 49

ovsdb server enable· 49

ovsdb server pki domain· 50

ovsdb server pssl 51

ovsdb server ptcp· 52

ovsdb server ssl 53

ovsdb server tcp· 53

vtep access port 54

vtep acl disable· 55

vtep enable· 55

vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy· 56


VXLAN commands

Basic VXLAN commands

ac statistics enable

Use ac statistics enable to enable packet statistics for Ethernet service instances of a VLAN.

Use undo ac statistics enable to disable packet statistics for Ethernet service instances of a VLAN.


ac statistics enable

undo ac statistics enable


The packet statistics feature is disabled for Ethernet service instances of a VLAN.


VLAN view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command enables packet statistics for the Ethernet service instances automatically created for VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.

Before you enable this feature, you must use the vxlan vlan-based command to enable VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.


# Map VLAN 10 to VXLAN 100, and enable packet statistics for Ethernet service instances of VLAN 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan vlan-based

[Sysname] vlan 10

[Sysname-vlan10] vxlan vni 100

[Sysname-vlan10] ac statistics enable

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance

reset l2vpn statistics ac

vxlan vlan-based

arp suppression enable

Use arp suppression enable to enable ARP flood suppression.

Use undo arp suppression enable to disable ARP flood suppression.


arp suppression enable

undo arp suppression enable


ARP flood suppression is disabled.


VSI view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

ARP flood suppression reduces ARP request broadcasts by enabling the VTEP to reply to ARP requests on behalf of VMs.

This feature snoops ARP packets to populate the ARP flood suppression table with local and remote MAC addresses. If an ARP request has a matching entry, the VTEP replies to the request on behalf of the VM. If no match is found, the VTEP floods the request to both local and remote sites.


# Enable ARP flood suppression for VSI vsi1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vsi1

[Sysname-vsi-vsi1] arp suppression enable

Related commands

display arp suppression vsi

reset arp suppression vsi

bandwidth (Ethernet service instance view)

Use bandwidth to set the bandwidth limit for an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.


bandwidth bandwidth

undo bandwidth


No bandwidth limit is set for an Ethernet service instance.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



bandwidth: Specifies a bandwidth limit in kbps. The value range for this argument is 64 to 4194303.

Usage guidelines

The bandwidth limit takes effect only on incoming traffic. An Ethernet service instance drops excess incoming traffic when its bandwidth limit is reached.

If you use the bandwidth command for both an Ethernet service instance and its mapped VSI, the Ethernet service instance bandwidth is limited exclusively from the VSI bandwidth. For example, VSI vsi1 has AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, and Tunnel 1. The bandwidth limit of VSI vsi1 is 500 kbps, and the bandwidth limit of AC 1 is 120 kbps. The total bandwidth of AC 2, AC 3, and Tunnel 1 is limited to 500 kbps.


# Set the bandwidth limit to 10240 kbps for Ethernet service instance 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] encapsulation s-vid 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] bandwidth 10240

Related commands

bandwidth (VSI view)

bandwidth (VSI view)

Use bandwidth to set the bandwidth limit for a VSI.

Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.


bandwidth bandwidth

undo bandwidth


No bandwidth limit is set for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



bandwidth: Specifies a bandwidth limit in kbps. The value range for the bandwidth argument is 64 to 104857599.

Usage guidelines

This command limits the total bandwidth of the incoming traffic on all ACs and VXLAN tunnels mapped to a VSI. A VSI drops excess incoming traffic when its bandwidth limit is reached.

If you use the bandwidth command for both an Ethernet service instance and its mapped VSI, the Ethernet service instance bandwidth is limited exclusively from the VSI bandwidth. For example, VSI vsi1 has AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, and Tunnel 1. The bandwidth limit of VSI vsi1 is 500 kbps, and the bandwidth limit of AC 1 is 120 kbps. The total bandwidth of AC 2, AC 3, and Tunnel 1 is limited to 500 kbps.

If you use both the restrain and bandwidth commands on a VSI, the following rules apply:

·     If the restraint bandwidth is 0, the restrain command takes effect.

·     If the restraint bandwidth is not 0, the bandwidth command takes effect.


# Set the bandwidth limit to 10240 kbps for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] bandwidth 10240

Related commands

bandwidth (Ethernet service instance view)

display l2vpn vsi


Use description to configure a description for a VSI.

Use undo description to restore the default.


description text

undo description


A VSI does not have a description.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters.


# Configure a description for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] description vsi for vpn1

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi

display arp suppression vsi

Use display arp suppression vsi to display ARP flood suppression entries.


display arp suppression vsi [ name vsi-name ] [ slot slot-number ] [ count ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays entries for all VSIs.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays entries on the master device.

count: Displays the number of ARP flood suppression entries that match the command.


# Display ARP flood suppression entries.

<Sysname> display arp suppression vsi

IP address      MAC address    VSI name                    Link ID    Aging(min)         000f-e201-0101 vsi1                        0x70000    14         000f-e201-0202 vsi1                        0x80000    18         000f-e201-0203 vsi2                        0x90000    10

# Display the number of ARP flood suppression entries.

<Sysname> display arp suppression vsi count

Total entries: 3

Table 1 Command output



Link ID

Link ID that uniquely identifies an AC or a VXLAN tunnel on a VSI.


Remaining lifetime (in minutes) of the ARP flood suppression entry. When the timer expires, the entry is deleted.


Related commands

arp suppression enable

reset arp suppression vsi

display igmp host group

Use display igmp host group to display information about the multicast groups that contain IGMP host-enabled interfaces.


display igmp host group [ group-address | interface interface-type interface-number ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




group-address: Specifies a multicast group address in the range of to If you do not specify a multicast group, this command displays information about all multicast groups.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays multicast group information for all interfaces.

verbose: Displays detailed multicast group information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief multicast group information.

Usage guidelines

For the VXLAN multicast source interface of a multicast-mode VXLAN to join its VXLAN multicast group, enable the IGMP host feature on the interface. The VXLAN multicast source interface provides the source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets.

Use this command to verify the following information:

·     Multicast group information for VXLANs.

·     Group membership status of VXLAN multicast source interfaces.


# Display brief information about all multicast groups that contain IGMP host-enabled interfaces.

<Sysname> display igmp host group

IGMP host groups in total: 2


  IGMP host groups in total: 2

   Group address      Member state      Expires          Idle              Off          Idle              Off

# Display detailed information about all multicast groups that contain IGMP host-enabled interfaces.

<Sysname> display igmp host group verbose


  IGMP host groups in total: 2


     Group mode: Exclude

     Member state: Idle

     Expires: Off

     Source list (sources in total: 0):


     Group mode: Exclude

     Member state: Idle

     Expires: Off

     Source list (sources in total: 0):

Table 2 Command output



IGMP host groups in total

Total number of multicast groups that contain IGMP host-enabled interfaces.


Name and IP address of the IGMP host-enabled interface.

IGMP host groups in total

Total number of multicast groups on the interface.

Group address/Group

Address of the multicast group.

Member state

Member state:

·     Delay—The interface has joined the multicast group, and it has started the delay timer for sending IGMP reports.

·     Idle—The interface has joined the multicast group, but it has not started the delay timer for sending IGMP reports.

The delay timer is not user configurable.


Remaining delay time for the interface to send an IGMP report.

This field displays Off if the delay timer is disabled.

Group mode

Multicast source filtering mode:

·     Include.

·     Exclude.

Source list

Multicast sources of the multicast group.

sources in total

Total number of multicast sources.




For more information about the command output, see IGMP in IP Multicast Configuration Guide.


Related commands

igmp host enable

display ipv6 nd suppression vsi

Use display ipv6 nd suppression vsi to display ND flood suppression entries.


display ipv6 nd suppression vsi [ name vsi-name ] [ slot slot-number ] [ count ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays entries for all VSIs.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays entries on the master device.

count: Displays the number of ND flood suppression entries that match the command.


# Display ND flood suppression entries.

<Sysname> display ipv6 nd suppression vsi

IPv6 address            MAC address     VSI name         Link ID    Aging (min)

1000::2                 000f-e201-0101  vsi1             0x70000    5

1000::3                 000f-e201-0202  vsi1             0x80000    5

1000::4                 000f-e201-0203  vsi2             0x90000    5

# Display the number of ND flood suppression entries.

<Sysname> display ipv6 nd suppression vsi count

Total entries: 3

Table 3 Command output



Link ID

Link ID that uniquely identifies an AC or a VXLAN tunnel on a VSI.

Aging (min)

Remaining lifetime (in minutes) of the ND flood suppression entry. When the timer expires, the entry is deleted.


Related commands

ipv6 nd suppression enable

reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi

display l2vpn mac-address

Use display l2vpn mac-address to display MAC address entries for VSIs.


display l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ] [ dynamic ] [ count | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




vsi vsi-name: Specifies a VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays MAC address entries for all VSIs.

dynamic: Specifies dynamic MAC address entries learned in the data plane. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays all MAC address entries, including:

·     Dynamic remote- and local-MAC entries.

·     Remote-MAC entries advertised through BGP EVPN.

·     Manually added static remote- and local-MAC entries.

·     Remote-MAC entries issued through OpenFlow.

·     Remote-MAC entries issued through OVSDB.

count: Displays the number of MAC address entries.

verbose: Displays detailed information about MAC address entries.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify the count or verbose keyword, this command displays brief information about MAC address entries.


# Display brief information about MAC address entries for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address

MAC Address    State     VSI Name                        Link ID/Name   Aging

0000-0000-000b Static    vpn1                            Tunnel10       NotAging

0000-0000-000c Dynamic   vpn1                            Tunnel60       Aging

0000-0000-000d Dynamic   vpn1                            Tunnel99       Aging

00e0-fc09-9993 EVPN      vpna                            Tunnel0        NotAging

--- 4 mac address(es) found  ---

# Display the total number of MAC address entries in all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address count

8 mac address(es) found

Table 4 Command output




Entry state:

·     Dynamic—Local- or remote-MAC entry dynamically learned in the data plane.

·     Static—Static local- and remote-MAC entry.

·     EVPN—Remote-MAC entry advertised through BGP EVPN.

·     OpenFlow—Remote-MAC entry issued by a remote controller through OpenFlow.

·     OVSDB—Remote-MAC entry issued by a remote controller through OVSDB.

Link ID/Name

For a local MAC address, this field displays the name of the interface that hosts the Ethernet service instance for the MAC address.

For a remote MAC address, this field displays the tunnel interface name.


Entry aging state:

·     Aging.

·     NotAging.


# Display detailed information about MAC address entries for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address verbose

MAC Address : 0000-0000-000b

VSI Name    : vpn1

VXLAN ID    : 123

Interface   : HGE1/0/1

Link ID     : 1

State       : Dynamic

Aging       : Aging

Table 5 Command output




For a local MAC address, this field displays the name of the interface that hosts the Ethernet service instance for the MAC address.

For a remote MAC address, this field displays the tunnel interface name.

Link ID

Link ID that uniquely identifies an AC or a VXLAN tunnel on a VSI.


Entry state:

·     Dynamic—Local- or remote-MAC entry dynamically learned in the data plane.

·     Static—Static local- or remote-MAC entry.

·     EVPN—Remote-MAC entry advertised through BGP EVPN.

·     OpenFlow—Remote-MAC entry issued by a remote controller through OpenFlow.

·     OVSDB—Remote-MAC entry issued by a remote controller through OVSDB.


Entry aging state:

·     Aging.

·     NotAging.


Related commands

reset l2vpn mac-address

display l2vpn service-instance

Use display l2vpn service-instance to display information about Ethernet service instances.


display l2vpn service-instance [ interface interface-type interface-number [ service-instance instance-id ] ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface by its interface type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays Ethernet service instance information for all Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces and Layer 2 aggregate interfaces.

service-instance instance-id: Specifies an Ethernet service instance by its ID in the range of 1 to 4096. If you do not specify an Ethernet service instance, this command displays information about all Ethernet service instances on the specified Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.

verbose: Displays detailed information about Ethernet service instances. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about Ethernet service instances.


# Display brief information about all Ethernet service instances.

<Sysname> display l2vpn service-instance

Total number of service-instances: 4, 4 up, 0 down

Total number of ACs: 2, 2 up, 0 down


Interface                SrvID Owner                           LinkID State Type

HGE1/0/1                 3     vsi12                           1      Up    VSI

HGE1/0/1                 4     vsi13                           1      Up    VSI

Table 6 Command output



Total number of ACs

Total number of attachment circuits (ACs) and the number of ACs in each state (up or down).


Name of a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.


Ethernet service instance ID.


VSI name. This field is empty if an Ethernet service instance is not mapped to any VSI.


Ethernet service instance's link ID on the VSI.


Ethernet service instance state:

·     Up.

·     Down.


L2VPN type of the Ethernet service instance:

·     VSI.

·     VPWS.


# Display detailed information about all Ethernet service instances on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display l2vpn service-instance interface hundredgige 1/0/1 verbose

Interface: HGE1/0/1

  Service Instance: 1

    Type          : Manual

    Encapsulation : s-vid 16

    Bandwidth     : Unlimited

    VSI Name      : vsi10

    Link ID       : 1

    State         : Up

    DF state      : BDF

    Statistics    : Enabled

    Input Statistics:

      Octets   :0

      Packets  :0

    Output Statistics:

      Octets   :0

      Packets  :0

Table 7 Command output




Name of a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.

Service Instance

Ethernet service instance ID.


Type and traffic match mode of the Ethernet service instance:

·     Dynamic (MAC-based)—Dynamic Ethernet service instance in MAC-based traffic match mode.

·     Manual—Static Ethernet service instance in VLAN-based traffic match mode.


Frame match criterion of the Ethernet service instance. If the Ethernet service instance does not contain a frame match criterion, the command does not display this field.


Bandwidth limit in kbps. If no bandwidth limit is set for the Ethernet service instance, Unlimited is displayed.

Link ID

Ethernet service instance's link ID on the VSI.


Ethernet service instance state:

·     Up.

·     Down.

DF state

Whether the device is the designated forwarder for the AC at a multihomed EVPN site:

·     BDF—The device is a backup designated forwarder.

·     DF—The device is the designated forwarder.

This field is not displayed if no Ethernet segment identifier is configured on the interface.


Packet statistics state:

·     Enabled—The packet statistics feature is enabled for the Ethernet service instance.

·     Disabled—The packet statistics feature is disabled for the Ethernet service instance.

Input Statistics

Incoming traffic statistics:

·     Octets—Number of incoming bytes.

·     Packets—Number of incoming packets.

Output Statistics

Outgoing traffic statistics:

·     Octets—Number of outgoing bytes.

·     Packets—Number of outgoing packets.


Related commands


display l2vpn vsi

Use display l2vpn vsi to display information about VSIs.


display l2vpn vsi [ name vsi-name ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays information about all VSIs.

verbose: Displays detailed information about VSIs. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about VSIs.


# Display brief information about all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn vsi

Total number of VSIs: 1, 1 up, 0 down, 0 admin down


VSI Name                        VSI Index       MTU    State

vpna                            0               1500   Up

Table 8 Command output




MTU on the VSI.


VSI state:

·     Up—The VSI is up.

·     Down—The VSI is down.

·     Admin down—The VSI has been manually shut down by using the shutdown command.


# Display detailed information about all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn vsi verbose

VSI Name: vpna

  VSI Index               : 0

  VSI State               : Up

  MTU                     : 1500

  Bandwidth               : Unlimited

  Broadcast Restrain      : Unlimited

  Multicast Restrain      : Unlimited

  Unknown Unicast Restrain: Unlimited

  MAC Learning            : Enabled

  MAC Table Limit         : -

  MAC Learning rate       : -

  Drop Unknown            : -

  Flooding                : Enabled

  Statistics              : Enabled

  Input statistics:

    Octets   : 0

    Packets  : 0

    Errors   : 0

    Discards : 0

  Output statistics:

    Octets   : 0

    Packets  : 0

    Errors   : 0

    Discards : 0

  VXLAN ID                : 10


    Tunnel Name          Link ID    State  Type      Flood proxy

    Tunnel1              0x5000001  Up     Manual    Disabled

    Tunnel2              0x5000002  Up     Manual    Disabled

    MTunnel0             0x6002710  Up     Auto      Disabled


    AC                               Link ID    State    Type

    HGE1/0/1 srv1000                 0          Up       Manual

Table 9 Command output



VSI Description

Description of the VSI. If the VSI does not have a description, the command does not display this field.

VSI State

VSI state:

·     Up—The VSI is up.

·     Down—The VSI is down.

·     Administratively down—The VSI has been manually shut down by using the shutdown command.


MTU on the VSI.


Bandwidth limit in kbps.

If no bandwidth limit is set for the VSI, Unlimited is displayed.

Broadcast Restrain

Broadcast restraint bandwidth (in kbps).

If the broadcast restraint bandwidth is not set, Unlimited is displayed.

Multicast Restrain

Multicast restraint bandwidth (in kbps).

If the multicast restraint bandwidth is not set, Unlimited is displayed.

Unknown Unicast Restrain

Unknown unicast restraint bandwidth (in kbps).

If the unknown unicast restraint bandwidth is not set, Unlimited is displayed.

MAC Learning

State of the MAC learning feature.

MAC Table Limit

This field is not supported in the current software version.‌

Maximum number of MAC address entries on the VSI.

MAC Learning rate

This field is not supported in the current software version.

MAC address entry learning rate of the VSI.

Drop Unknown

This field is not supported in the current software version.‌

Action on source MAC-unknown frames received after the maximum number of MAC entries is reached.


State of the VSI's flooding feature:

·     Enabled—Flooding is enabled on the VSI.

·     Disabled—Flooding is disabled on the VSI.


Packet statistics state:

·     Enabled—The packet statistics feature is enabled for the VSI.

·     Disabled—The packet statistics feature is disabled for the VSI.

Input statistics

Incoming traffic statistics:

·     Octets—Number of incoming bytes.

·     Packets—Number of incoming packets.

·     Errors—Number of error packets.

·     Discards—Number of discarded packets.

Output statistics

Outgoing traffic statistics:

·     Octets—Number of outgoing bytes.

·     Packets—Number of outgoing packets.

·     Errors—Number of error packets.

·     Discards—Number of discarded packets.


Tunnel state:

·     Up—The tunnel is operating correctly.

·     Blocked—The tunnel is a backup tunnel. Its tunnel interface is up, but the tunnel is blocked because the primary tunnel is operating correctly. ‌

·     Defect—The tunnel interface is up, but BFD cannot detect the remote VTEP.

·     Down—The tunnel interface is down.


Tunnel assignment method:

·     Auto—The tunnel was automatically assigned to the VXLAN:

¡     For an EVPN network, VXLAN tunnels are automatically assigned to VXLANs.

¡     For a multicast-mode VXLAN, the tunnel (MTunnel) was automatically created and assigned to the VXLAN to transmit flood traffic.

·     Manual—The tunnel was manually assigned to the VXLAN.

Flood proxy

Flood proxy state:

·     Enabled—Flood proxy is enabled. The VTEP sends broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast traffic to a flood proxy server through the tunnel. The flood proxy server replicates and forwards flood traffic to remote VTEPs.

·     Disabled—Flood proxy is disabled.


ACs that are bound to the VSI.

Link ID

AC's link ID on the VSI.


AC state:

·     Up.

·     Down.


Type and traffic match mode of the Ethernet service instance:

·     Dynamic (MAC-based)—Dynamic Ethernet service instance in MAC-based traffic match mode.

·     Manual—Static Ethernet service instance in VLAN-based traffic match mode.


display vxlan tunnel

Use display vxlan tunnel to display VXLAN tunnel information for VXLANs.


display vxlan tunnel [ vxlan-id vxlan-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID. The value range for this argument is 0 to 16777215. If you do not specify a VXLAN, this command displays VXLAN tunnel information for all VXLANs.


# Display VXLAN tunnel information for all VXLANs.

<Sysname> display vxlan tunnel

Total number of VXLANs: 1


VXLAN ID: 10, VSI name: vpna, Total tunnels: 3 (3 up, 0 down, 0 defect, 0 blocked)

Tunnel name          Link ID    State  Type         Flood proxy

Tunnel1              0x5000001  Up     Manual       Disabled

Tunnel2              0x5000002  Up     Manual       Disabled

MTunnel0             0x6002710  Up     Auto         Disabled

# Display VXLAN tunnel information for VXLAN 10.

<Sysname> display vxlan tunnel vxlan-id 10

VXLAN ID: 10, VSI name: vpna, Total tunnels: 3 (3 up, 0 down, 0 defect, 0 blocked)

Tunnel name          Link ID    State  Type         Flood proxy

Tunnel1              0x5000001  Up     Manual       Disabled

Tunnel2              0x5000002  Up     Manual       Disabled

MTunnel0             0x6002710  Up     Auto         Disabled

Table 10 Command output



Link ID

Tunnel's link ID in the VXLAN.


Tunnel state:

·     Up—The tunnel is operating correctly.

·     Blocked—The tunnel is a backup tunnel. Its tunnel interface is up, but the tunnel is blocked because the primary tunnel is operating correctly.

·     Defect—The tunnel interface is up, but BFD cannot detect the remote VTEP.

·     Down—The tunnel interface is down.


Tunnel assignment method:

·     Auto—The tunnel was automatically assigned to the VXLAN:

¡     For an EVPN network, VXLAN tunnels are automatically assigned to VXLANs.

¡     For a multicast-mode VXLAN, the tunnel (MTunnel) was automatically created and assigned to the VXLAN to transmit flood traffic.

·     Manual—The tunnel was manually assigned to the VXLAN.

Flood proxy

Flood proxy state:

·     Enabled—Flood proxy is enabled. The VTEP sends broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast traffic to a flood proxy server through the tunnel. The flood proxy server replicates and forwards flood traffic to remote VTEPs.

·     Disabled—Flood proxy is disabled.


Related commands



emulate-ping vxlan

Use emulate-ping vxlan to test the reachability of a remote VM.


emulate-ping vxlan [ -c count | -m interval | -s packet-size | -t time-out ] * vxlan-id vxlan-id source-mac mac-address destination-mac mac-address


Any view

Predefined user roles



-c count: Specifies the number of ICMP echo requests to be sent. The value range is 1 to 4294967295, and the default value is 5.

-m interval: Specifies the interval for sending ICMP echo requests. The value range is 1 to 65535 milliseconds, and the default value is 200 milliseconds.

-s packet-size: Specifies the length of ICMP echo quests (IP and ICMP headers not included). The value range is 20 to 8100 bytes, and the default value is 56 bytes.

-t time-out: Specifies the ICMP echo reply timeout period. The value range is 0 to 65535 milliseconds, and the default value is 2000 milliseconds. If the device does not receive an ICMP echo reply within the timeout period after sending an ICMP echo request, the device determines that the ICMP echo reply times out.

vxlan-id vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID. The value range for the vxlan-id argument is 0 to 16777215.

source-mac mac-address: Specifies the source MAC address of ICMP echo requests. The MAC address must be a local VM address in the MAC address table of the specified VXLAN.

destination-mac mac-address: Specifies the destination MAC address of ICMP echo requests. The MAC address must be a remote VM address in the MAC address table of the specified VXLAN.

Usage guidelines

The emulate-ping vxlan command enables the device to test the reachability of a remote VM by simulating a local VM to send ICMP echo requests. The requests are encapsulated in Layer 2 data frames and then sent to the remote VM in the specified VXLAN. The device determines the reachability of the remote VM based on the response time and number of received ICMP echo replies. You can view the packet transmission statistics in the command output.

The emulate-ping vxlan command is not supported if EVPN distributed relay is configured on the device. For more information about EVPN distributed relay, see EVPN Configuration Guide.


# Simulate local VM 1ea3-c0be-0206 to test the reachability of remote VM 1ea3-b77b-0106 in VXLAN 100.

<Sysname> emulate-ping vxlan vxlan-id 100 source-mac 1ea3-c0be-0206 destination-mac 1ea3-b77b-0106

Emulate ping in VXLAN 100: source MAC 1ea3-c0be-0206, destination MAC 1ea3-b77b-0106, 56 data bytes.

Press CTRL_C to break.


56 bytes from ICMP_seq=0 time=1.114 ms

56 bytes from ICMP_seq=1 time=1.073 ms

56 bytes from ICMP_seq=2 time=1.123 ms

56 bytes from ICMP_seq=3 time=1.781 ms

56 bytes from ICMP_seq=4 time=0.933 ms


--- Ping statistics for VXLAN 100 ---

5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.200/1.000/0.400 ms

Table 11 Command output



56 bytes from ICMP_seq=0 time=1.114 ms

Statistics about the received ICMP echo reply from the VM at If no reply is received within the timeout period, nothing is displayed.

·     bytes—Number of bytes in the ICMP echo reply.

·     ICMP_seq—Sequence number, used to determine whether a request is lost, disordered, or repeated.

·     time—Response time.

5 packet(s) transmitted

Number of transmitted ICMP echo requests.

5 packet(s) received

Number of received ICMP echo replies.

0.0% packet loss

Percentage of unacknowledged requests.

round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev=0.933/1.205/1.781/0.296 ms

Minimum/average/maximum/standard deviation response time in milliseconds.



Use encapsulation to configure a frame match criterion for an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo encapsulation to restore the default.


encapsulation s-vid vlan-id [ c-vid { vlan-id | all } | only-tagged ]

encapsulation s-vid vlan-id-list c-vid vlan-id

encapsulation { default | tagged | untagged }

undo encapsulation


An Ethernet service instance does not contain a frame match criterion.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



s-vid: Matches frames that are tagged with the specified outer 802.1Q VLAN IDs.

c-vid: Matches frames that are tagged with the specified inner 802.1Q VLAN IDs.

vlan-id: Specifies an 802.1Q VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.

vlan-id-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to eight VLAN items. Each item specifies a VLAN ID or a range of VLAN IDs in the format of vlan-id1 to vlan-id2. The value range for VLAN IDs is 1 to 4094.

only-tagged: Matches tagged frames. If the outer 802.1Q VLAN is not the PVID, the matching result does not differ, whether or not you specify the only-tagged keyword. If the outer 802.1Q VLAN is the PVID, the matching result depends on whether or not the only-tagged keyword is specified.

·     To match only PVID-tagged frames, specify the only-tagged keyword.

·     To match both untagged frames and PVID-tagged frames, do not specify the only-tagged keyword.

all: Specifies all 802.1Q VLAN IDs.

default: Specifies the default match criterion. On an interface, you can configure this criterion only in one Ethernet service instance. The device matches frames with the frame match criteria (including the default criterion) in the Ethernet service instances on the interface in the order as described in the usage guidelines. The Ethernet service instance that uses the default match criterion matches any frames if it is the only instance on the interface.

tagged: Matches any frames that have an 802.1Q VLAN tag.

untagged: Matches any frames that do not have an 802.1Q VLAN tag.

Usage guidelines

Make sure the VLANs that each Ethernet service instance matches have been created and the site-facing interface where the Ethernet service instance is configured has been assigned to the VLANs.

When you configure the encapsulation default command for an Ethernet service instance on a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface, follow these restrictions:

·     If the Ethernet service instance uses the VLAN access mode, the device uses the following order to match frames on the interface to an Ethernet service instance:

a.     encapsulation { tagged | untagged }.

b.     encapsulation default.

c.     encapsulation s-vid vlan-id [ c-vid { vlan-id-list | all } | only-tagged ] and encapsulation s-vid vlan-id-list [ c-vid vlan-id-list ].

·     If the Ethernet service instance uses the Ethernet access mode, the device uses the following order to match frames on the interface to an Ethernet service instance:

a.     encapsulation s-vid vlan-id [ c-vid { vlan-id-list | all } | only-tagged ] and encapsulation s-vid vlan-id-list [ c-vid vlan-id-list ].

b.     encapsulation { tagged | untagged }.

c.     encapsulation default.

An Ethernet service instance can contain only one frame match criterion. To change the frame match criterion, first execute the undo encapsulation command to remove the original criterion. When you remove the frame match criterion in an Ethernet service instance, the mapping between the service instance and the VSI is removed automatically.


# Configure Ethernet service instance 1 on HundredGigE 1/0/1 to match frames that have an outer 802.1Q VLAN ID of 111.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv1] encapsulation s-vid 111

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance

flooding disable (Ethernet service instance view)

Use flooding disable to confine the flood traffic of an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo flooding disable to restore the default.


flooding disable source-port

undo flooding disable


An Ethernet service instance sends flood traffic to the other Ethernet service instances of the same VSI.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



source-port: Disables flooding to the other Ethernet service instances of the same VSI on the local port.

Usage guidelines

To prevent broadcast storms, use this command to confine the flood traffic of Ethernet service instances.


# Disable Ethernet service instance 10 from flooding traffic to the other Ethernet service instances of the same VSI on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 10

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv10] flooding disable source-port

flooding disable (VSI view)

Use flooding disable to disable flooding for a VSI.

Use undo flooding disable to enable flooding for a VSI.


flooding disable { all | { broadcast | unknown-multicast | unknown-unicast } * } [ all-direction ]

undo flooding disable


Flooding is enabled for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



all: Specifies broadcast, unknown unicast, and unknown multicast traffic.

broadcast: Specifies broadcast traffic.

unknown-multicast: Specifies unknown multicast traffic.

unknown-unicast: Specifies unknown unicast traffic.

all-direction: Disables flooding traffic received from an AC or VXLAN tunnel interface to any other ACs and VXLAN tunnel interfaces of the same VSI. If you do not specify this keyword, the command only disables flooding traffic received from ACs to VXLAN tunnel interfaces of the VSI.

Usage guidelines

By default, the device floods broadcast, unknown unicast, and unknown multicast frames received from the local site to the following interfaces in the frame's VXLAN:

·     All site-facing interfaces except for the incoming interface.

·     All VXLAN tunnel interfaces.

When receiving broadcast, unknown unicast, and unknown multicast frames on VXLAN tunnel interfaces, the device floods the frames to all site-facing interfaces in the frames' VXLAN.

To confine a kind of flood traffic, use this command to disable flooding for that kind of flood traffic on the VSI bound to the VXLAN.


# Disable flooding of local broadcast traffic to remote sites for VSI vsi1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vsi1

[Sysname-vsi-vsi1] flooding disable broadcast


Use group to assign a VXLAN a multicast group address for flood traffic, and specify a source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets.

Use undo group to restore the default.


group group-address source source-address

undo group group-address source source-address


A VXLAN uses unicast mode (head-end replication) for flood traffic. No multicast group address or source IP address is specified for multicast VXLAN packets.


VXLAN view

Predefined user roles



group-address: Specifies a multicast address in the range of to

source source-address: Specifies a source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets.

Usage guidelines

To reduce traffic sent to the transport network, use multicast mode if the network has dense flood traffic or many VTEPs.

The multicast mode supports the following multicast methods:

·     PIM—VTEPs and transport network devices run PIM to generate multicast forwarding entries. On a VTEP, you can use the IP address of a loopback interface as the source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets. If the VTEP has multiple transport-facing interfaces, PIM dynamically selects the outgoing interfaces for multicast VXLAN packets.

·     IGMP host—VTEPs and transport network devices run PIM and IGMP to generate multicast forwarding entries.

¡     Transport-facing interfaces of VTEPs act as IGMP hosts.

¡     Transport network devices connected to a VTEP run IGMP.

¡     All transport network devices run PIM.

On a VTEP, you must use the IP address of the transport-facing interface as the source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets. If the VTEP has multiple transport-facing interfaces, multicast VXLAN packets are sent to the transport network through the interface that provides the source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets.

VTEPs in a multicast-mode VXLAN can use different multicast methods.

To forward multicast traffic correctly, you must use the source IP address of an up VXLAN tunnel as the source IP address for multicast VXLAN packets.

For multicast-mode VXLANs, transport network devices must maintain multicast group and forwarding information. To reduce the multicast forwarding entries maintained by transport network devices, assign a multicast group address to multiple VXLANs. The VTEP separates traffic between VXLANs by VXLAN IDs.




For VXLANs that use the same multicast group address, you must configure the same source IP address for their multicast VXLAN packets.


If you execute the group command multiple times for a VXLAN, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Set the multicast group address to for flood traffic in VXLAN 100. Set the source IP address to for multicast VXLAN packets.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] vxlan 100

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-vxlan-100] group source

Related commands

igmp host enable

pim dm (IP Multicast Command Reference)

pim sm (IP Multicast Command Reference)

igmp host enable

Use igmp host enable to enable the IGMP host feature on an interface.

Use undo igmp host enable to disable the IGMP host feature on an interface.


igmp host enable

undo igmp host enable


The IGMP host feature is disabled on an interface.


Interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You must configure an interface as an IGMP host if its IP address is the source IP address of multicast VXLAN packets. The IGMP host feature enables the interface to send IGMP reports in response to IGMP queries before it can receive traffic from a multicast group.

For this command to take effect, you must use the multicast routing command to enable IP multicast routing.


# Enable IP multicast routing, and then enable the IGMP host feature on VLAN-interface 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] multicast routing

[Sysname-mrib] quit

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 10

[Sysname-Vlan-interface10] igmp host enable

Related commands

display igmp host group


multicast routing (IP Multicast Command Reference)

ipv6 nd suppression enable

Use ipv6 nd suppression enable to enable ND flood suppression.

Use undo ipv6 nd suppression enable to disable ND flood suppression.


ipv6 nd suppression enable

undo ipv6 nd suppression enable


ND flood suppression is disabled.


VSI view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

ND flood suppression reduces ND request multicasts by enabling the VTEP to reply to ND requests on behalf of user terminals.

This feature snoops ND packets to populate the ND flood suppression table with local and remote MAC addresses. If an ND request has a matching entry, the VTEP replies to the request on behalf of the user terminal. If no match is found, the VTEP floods the request to both local and remote sites.


# Enable ND flood suppression for VSI vsi1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vsi1

[Sysname-vsi-vsi1] ipv6 nd suppression enable

Related commands

display ipv6 nd suppression vsi

reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi

l2vpn enable

Use l2vpn enable to enable L2VPN.

Use undo l2vpn enable to disable L2VPN.


l2vpn enable

undo l2vpn enable


L2VPN is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You must enable L2VPN before you can configure L2VPN settings.


# Enable L2VPN.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] l2vpn enable

learning mode disable

Use learning mode disable to disable MAC address learning on an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo learning mode to enable MAC address learning on an Ethernet service instance.


learning mode disable

undo learning mode


MAC address learning is enabled on an Ethernet service instance.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

When you enable MAC address learning on an Ethernet service instance, make sure MAC address learning is enabled on the VSI to which the Ethernet service instance is mapped. To enable MAC address learning for a VSI, use the mac-learning enable command.

When MAC address learning is disabled on an Ethernet service instance, it can use only the static local-MAC address entries added by using the mac-address static command.


# Disable MAC address learning on Ethernet service instance 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] mac-learning enable

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] quit

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] learning mode disable


mac-address mac-learning priority

Use mac-address mac-learning priority to set the MAC learning priority of an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo mac-address mac-learning priority to restore the default.


mac-address mac-learning priority { high | low }

undo mac-address mac-learning priority


The MAC learning priority of an Ethernet service instance is low.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



high: Specifies high MAC learning priority.

low: Specifies low MAC learning priority.

Usage guidelines

This setting takes effect only after the Ethernet service instance is mapped to a VSI.

A VSI uses the MAC learning priority to control MAC address learning of its Ethernet service instances. An Ethernet service instance with high MAC learning priority takes precedence over an Ethernet service instance with low MAC learning priority when they learn the same MAC address. For example:

·     A MAC address entry of a high-priority Ethernet service instance can be overwritten only when the MAC address is learned on another high-priority Ethernet service instance.

·     A MAC address entry of a low-priority Ethernet service instance is overwritten when the MAC address is learned on a high-priority Ethernet service instance or another low-priority Ethernet service instance.


# Set the MAC learning priority to high for Ethernet service instance 1 on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv1] mac-address mac-learning priority high

mac-address static vsi

Use mac-address static vsi to add a static MAC address entry for a VXLAN VSI.

Use undo mac-address static vsi to remove a static MAC address entry for a VXLAN VSI.


mac-address static mac-address { interface interface-type interface-number service-instance instance-id | interface tunnel tunnel-number } vsi vsi-name

undo mac-address static [ mac-address ] [ interface interface-type interface-number service-instance instance-id | interface tunnel tunnel-number ] vsi vsi-name


VXLAN VSIs do not have static MAC address entries.


System view

Predefined user roles



mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in H-H-H format. Do not specify a multicast MAC address or an all-zeros MAC address. You can omit the consecutive zeros at the beginning of each segment. For example, you can enter f-e2-1 for 000f-00e2-0001.

interface interface-type interface-number service-instance instance-id: Specifies an Ethernet service instance on an interface. The interface-type interface-number argument specifies the interface by its type and number. The instance-id argument specifies the Ethernet service instance by its ID in the range of 1 to 4096. This option applies to local MAC addresses.

interface tunnel tunnel-number: Specifies a VXLAN tunnel interface by its tunnel interface number. The specified tunnel interface must already exist. This option applies to remote MAC addresses.

vsi vsi-name: Specifies a VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

A local MAC address is the MAC address of a VM in the local site. Local MAC entries include manually added entries and dynamically learned entries.

A remote MAC address is the MAC address of a VM in a remote site. Remote MAC entries include manually added MAC entries, dynamically learned MAC entries, and MAC entries advertised through BGP EVPN.

When you add a local MAC address entry, make sure the specified Ethernet service instance has been mapped to the VSI. When you add a remote MAC address entry, make sure the VSI's VXLAN has been specified on the VXLAN tunnel.

Do not configure static remote-MAC entries for tunnels that are automatically established by using EVPN.

·     EVPN re-establishes tunnels if the transport-facing interface goes down and then comes up. If you have configured static remote-MAC entries, the entries are deleted when the tunnels are re-established.

·     EVPN re-establishes tunnels if you perform configuration rollback. If the tunnel IDs change during tunnel re-establishment, configuration rollback fails, and static remote-MAC entries on the tunnels cannot be restored.

The undo mac-address static vsi vsi-name command removes all static MAC address entries for a VSI.


# Add MAC address 000f-e201-0101 to VSI vsi1. Specify Tunnel-interface 1 as the outgoing interface.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mac-address static 000f-e201-0101 interface tunnel 1 vsi vsi1

# Add MAC address 000f-e201-0102 of Ethernet service instance 1 to VSI vsi1. Specify HundredGigE 1/0/1 as the outgoing interface.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mac-address static 000f-e201-0102 interface hundredgige 1/0/1 service-instance 1 vsi vsi1

Related commands

vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable

mac-based ac

Use mac-based ac to enable MAC-based traffic match mode for dynamic Ethernet service instances on an interface.

Use undo mac-based ac to disable MAC-based traffic match mode for dynamic Ethernet service instances on an interface.


mac-based ac

undo mac-based ac


MAC-based traffic match mode is disabled for dynamic Ethernet service instances.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The 802.1X or MAC authentication feature can use the authorization VSI, the guest VSI, the Auth-Fail VSI, and the critical VSI to control the access of users to network resources. When assigning a user to a VSI, 802.1X or MAC authentication sends the VXLAN feature the VSI information and the user's access information, including access interface, VLAN, and MAC address. Then the VXLAN feature creates a dynamic Ethernet service instance for the user and maps it to the VSI.

A dynamic Ethernet service instance supports MAC-based match mode. This mode matches frames by VLAN ID and source MAC address. To use MAC-based traffic match mode for dynamic Ethernet service instances, you must enable MAC authentication or 802.1X authentication that uses MAC-based access control.

This command takes effect only on dynamic Ethernet service instances. Static Ethernet service instances created by using the service-instance command match traffic only by the VLAN IDs specified by using the encapsulation command.

You cannot change the traffic match mode when dynamic Ethernet service instances already exist on an interface.


# Enable MAC-based traffic match mode for dynamic Ethernet service instances on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] mac-based ac

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance

reserved vxlan

Use reserved vxlan to specify a reserved VXLAN.

Use undo reserved vxlan to restore the default.


reserved vxlan vxlan-id

undo reserved vxlan


No VXLAN has been reserved.


System view

Predefined user roles



vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID. The value range for this argument is 0 to 16777215.

Usage guidelines

You can specify only one reserved VXLAN on the VTEP. The reserved VXLAN cannot be the VXLAN created on any VSI.


# Specify VXLAN 10000 as the reserved VXLAN.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] reserved vxlan 10000

Related commands

mapping vni (EVPN Command Reference)

reset arp suppression vsi

Use reset arp suppression vsi to clear ARP flood suppression entries on VSIs.


reset arp suppression vsi [ name vsi-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command clears ARP flood suppression entries on all VSIs.


# Clear ARP flood suppression entries on all VSIs.

<Sysname> reset arp suppression vsi

This command will delete all entries. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Related commands

arp suppression enable

display arp suppression vsi

reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi

Use reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi to clear ND flood suppression entries on VSIs.


reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi [ name vsi-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command clears ND flood suppression entries on all VSIs.


# Clear ND flood suppression entries on all VSIs.

<Sysname> reset ipv6 nd suppression vsi

This command will delete all entries. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Related commands

display ipv6 nd suppression vsi

ipv6 nd suppression enable

reset l2vpn mac-address

Use reset l2vpn mac-address to clear dynamic MAC address entries on VSIs.


reset l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



vsi vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command clears all dynamic MAC address entries on all VSIs.

Usage guidelines

Use this command when the number of dynamic MAC address entries reaches the limit or the device learns incorrect MAC addresses.


# Clear the dynamic MAC address entries on VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> reset l2vpn mac-address vsi vpn1

Related commands

display l2vpn mac-address vsi

reset l2vpn statistics ac

Use reset l2vpn statistics ac to clear packet statistics on ACs.


reset l2vpn statistics ac [ interface interface-type interface-number service-instance instance-id ]


User view

Predefined user roles



interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

service-instance instance-id: Specifies an Ethernet service instance ID in the range of 1 to 4096.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command clears packet statistics on all ACs.


# Clear packet statistics for Ethernet service instance 1 on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> reset l2vpn statistics ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1 service-instance 1

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance verbose

statistics enable (Ethernet service instance view)

reset l2vpn statistics vsi

Use reset l2vpn statistics vsi to clear packet statistics on VSIs.


reset l2vpn statistics vsi [ name vsi-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



name vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command clears packet statistics on all VSIs.


# Clear packet statistics on all VSIs.

<Sysname> reset l2vpn statistics vsi

Related commands

statistics enable (VSI view)


Use restrain to set broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast restraint bandwidth for a VSI.

Use undo restrain to restore the default.


restrain { broadcast | multicast | unknown-unicast } bandwidth

undo restrain { broadcast | multicast | unknown-unicast }


A VSI's broadcast restraint bandwidth, multicast restraint bandwidth, and unknown unicast restraint bandwidth are not set.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



broadcast: Specifies the broadcast restraint bandwidth.

multicast: Specifies the multicast restraint bandwidth.

unknown-unicast: Specifies the unknown unicast restraint bandwidth. Unknown unicast packets refer to the unicast packets whose destination MAC addresses are not in the MAC address table of the VSI.

bandwidth: Specifies the broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast restraint bandwidth in kbps. The value for the bandwidth argument can be 0 or in the range of 64 to 104857599. If you set this argument to 0, the command disables the specified kind of flood traffic.

Usage guidelines

When the bandwidth of incoming broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast traffic on VXLAN tunnels of a VSI exceeds the configured restraint bandwidth, the VSI drops the exceeding traffic.

If you use both the restrain and bandwidth commands on a VSI, the following rules apply:

·     If the restraint bandwidth is 0, the restrain command takes effect.

·     If the restraint bandwidth is not 0, the bandwidth command takes effect.


# Set the broadcast restraint bandwidth, multicast restraint bandwidth, and unknown unicast restraint bandwidth to 100 kbps for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain broadcast 100

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain multicast 100

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain unknown-unicast 100

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi

selective-flooding mac-address

Use selective-flooding mac-address to enable selective flood for a MAC address.

Use undo selective-flooding mac-address to disable selective flood for a MAC address.


selective-flooding mac-address mac-address

undo selective-flooding mac-address mac-address


Selective flood is disabled for all MAC addresses.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



mac-address: Specifies a MAC address. The MAC address cannot be all Fs.

Usage guidelines

This command excludes a remote unicast or multicast MAC address from the remote flood suppression done by using the flooding disable command. The VTEP will flood the frames destined for the specified MAC address to remote sites when floods are confined to the local site.


# Enable selective flood for 000f-e201-0101 on VSI vsi1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vsi1

[Sysname-vsi-vsi1] selective-flooding mac-address 000f-e201-0101

Related commands

flooding disable (VSI view)


Use service-instance to create an Ethernet service instance and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing Ethernet service instance.

Use undo service-instance to delete an Ethernet service instance.


service-instance instance-id

undo service-instance instance-id


No Ethernet service instances exist.


Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles



instance-id: Specifies an Ethernet service instance ID in the range of 1 to 4096.


# On Layer 2 Ethernet interface HundredGigE 1/0/1, create Ethernet service instance 1 and enter Ethernet service instance view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 1


Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance


Use shutdown to shut down a VSI.

Use undo shutdown to bring up a VSI.



undo shutdown


VSIs are up.


VSI view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Use this command to temporarily disable a VSI to provide Layer 2 switching services. The shutdown action does not change settings on the VSI. You can continue to configure the VSI. After you bring up the VSI again, the VSI provides services based on the latest settings.


# Shut down VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] shutdown

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi

statistics enable (Ethernet service instance view)

Use statistics enable to enable packet statistics for an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo statistics enable to disable packet statistics for an Ethernet service instance.


statistics enable

undo statistics enable


The packet statistics feature is disabled for an Ethernet service instance.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

For this command to take effect, you must configure a frame match criterion for the Ethernet service instance and map it to a VSI. If you modify the frame match criterion or VSI mapping, packet statistics of the instance is cleared.


# Enable packet statistics for Ethernet service instance 200 on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] statistics enable

Related command

display l2vpn service-instance verbose

reset l2vpn statistics ac

statistics enable (tunnel interface view)

Use statistics enable to enable packet statistics for a manually created VXLAN tunnel.

Use undo statistics enable to disable packet statistics for a manually created VXLAN tunnel.


statistics enable

undo statistics enable


The packet statistics feature is disabled for a manually created VXLAN tunnel.


VXLAN tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



# Enable packet statistics for VXLAN tunnel interface Tunnel 0.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 0 mode vxlan

[Sysname-Tunnel0] statistics enable

Related commands

display interface tunnel (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

reset counters interface tunnel (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

tunnel statistics vxlan auto

statistics enable (VSI view)

Use statistics enable to enable packet statistics for a VSI.

Use undo statistics enable to disable packet statistics for a VSI.


statistics enable

undo statistics enable


The packet statistics feature is disabled for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



# Enable packet statistics for VSI vsi1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vsi1

[Sysname-vsi-vsi1] statistics enable

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi verbose

reset l2vpn statistics vsi


Use tunnel to assign VXLAN tunnels to a VXLAN.

Use undo tunnel to remove VXLAN tunnels from a VXLAN.


tunnel { tunnel-number [ backup-tunnel tunnel-number | flooding-proxy ] | all }

undo tunnel { tunnel-number | all }


A VXLAN does not contain VXLAN tunnels.


VXLAN view

Predefined user roles



tunnel-number: Specifies a tunnel interface number. The tunnel must be an existing VXLAN tunnel.

backup-tunnel tunnel-number: Specifies a backup tunnel by its tunnel interface number. The tunnel must be an existing VXLAN tunnel.

flooding-proxy: Enables flood proxy on the tunnel for the VTEP to send flood traffic to the flood proxy server. The flood proxy server replicates and forwards flood traffic to remote VTEPs. If you do not specify this keyword, flood proxy is disabled on the tunnel.

all: Specifies all VXLAN tunnels.

Usage guidelines

This command assigns a VXLAN tunnel to a VXLAN to provide Layer 2 connectivity for the VXLAN between two sites. In unicast mode, the system floods unknown unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic to each tunnel in the VXLAN.

You can assign multiple VXLAN tunnels to a VXLAN, and configure a VXLAN tunnel to trunk multiple VXLANs.

To assign a pair of primary and backup VXLAN tunnels to the VXLAN, specify the backup-tunnel tunnel-number option. When the primary VXLAN tunnel is operating correctly, the backup VXLAN tunnel does not forward traffic. When the primary VXLAN tunnel goes down, traffic is switched to the backup VXLAN tunnel.

On a VSI, you can enable flood proxy on multiple VXLAN tunnels. The first tunnel that is enabled with flood proxy works as the primary proxy tunnel to forward broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast traffic. Other proxy tunnels are backups that do not forward traffic when the primary proxy tunnel is operating correctly.

To change a flood proxy tunnel for a VXLAN, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the undo tunnel command to remove the flood proxy tunnel.

·     Use the tunnel command to enable flood proxy on another tunnel and assign the tunnel to the VXLAN.

If you assign VXLAN tunnels to a VXLAN one by one, you cannot remove all the VXLAN tunnels by using the undo tunnel all command.

If you assign all VXLAN tunnels to a VXLAN by using the tunnel all command, you cannot remove the VXLAN tunnels one by one. You can only use the undo tunnel all command to remove all the VXLAN tunnels.

As a best practice, use the tunnel all command only when batch VXLAN tunnel assignment is necessary.


# Assign VXLAN tunnels 1 and 2 to VXLAN 10000.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpna

[Sysname-vsi-vpna] vxlan 10000

[Sysname-vsi-vpna-vxlan-10000] tunnel 1

[Sysname-vsi-vpna-vxlan-10000] tunnel 2

Related commands

display vxlan tunnel

tunnel bfd enable

Use tunnel bfd enable to enable BFD on a VXLAN tunnel interface.

Use undo tunnel bfd enable to disable BFD on a VXLAN tunnel interface.


tunnel bfd enable destination-mac mac-address

undo tunnel bfd enable


BFD is disabled on a VXLAN tunnel interface.


VXLAN tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



destination-mac mac-address: Specifies a destination MAC address in H-H-H format for BFD control packets. The MAC address must be a remote VTEP address or a multicast address. You can omit the consecutive zeros at the beginning of each segment. For example, you can enter f-e2-1 for 000f-00e2-0001.

Usage guidelines

Enable BFD on both ends of a VXLAN tunnel for quick link connectivity detection. The VTEPs periodically send BFD single-hop control packets to each other through the VXLAN tunnel. A VTEP sets the tunnel state to Defect if it has not received control packets from the remote end for 5 seconds. In this situation, the tunnel interface state is still Up. The tunnel state will change from Defect to Up if the VTEP can receive BFD control packets again.

For BFD sessions to come up, you must reserve a VXLAN by using the reserved vxlan command.

Do not use BFD together with uRPF. When uRPF is enabled, BFD sessions cannot come up. For more information about uRPF, see Security Configuration Guide.


# Enable BFD on VXLAN tunnel interface Tunnel 9, and specify 1-1-1 as the destination MAC address for BFD control packets.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 9 mode vxlan

[Sysname-Tunnel9] tunnel bfd enable destination-mac 1-1-1

tunnel global source-address

Use tunnel global source-address to specify a global source address for VXLAN tunnels.

Use undo tunnel global source-address to restore the default.


tunnel global source-address ipv4-address

undo tunnel global source-address


No global source address is specified for VXLAN tunnels.


System view

Predefined user roles



ipv4-address: Specifies an IPv4 address.

Usage guidelines



For correct VXLAN deployment and VTEP management, do not manually specify tunnel-specific source addresses for VXLAN tunnels if OVSDB is used.

A VXLAN tunnel uses the global source address if you do not specify a source interface or source address for the tunnel.

The global source address takes effect only on VXLAN tunnels.


# Specify as the global source address for VXLAN tunnels.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] tunnel global source-address

tunnel statistics vxlan auto

Use tunnel statistics vxlan auto to enable packet statistics for automatically created VXLAN tunnels.

Use undo tunnel statistics vxlan auto to disable packet statistics for automatically created VXLAN tunnels.


tunnel statistics vxlan auto [ destination ipv4-address ]

undo tunnel statistics vxlan auto [ destination ipv4-address ]


The packet statistics feature is disabled for automatically created VXLAN tunnels.


System view

Predefined user roles



destination ipv4-address: Specifies a tunnel destination address. If you do not specify this option, the command enables packet statistics for all automatically created VXLAN tunnels.

Usage guidelines

This command enables the device to collect packet statistics for all automatically created VXLAN tunnels or a group of automatically created VXLAN tunnels that are destined for the specified address. This command takes effect on both existing VXLAN tunnels and VXLAN tunnels created after execution of this command.

VXLAN tunnels can be automatically created by EVPN or OVSDB.


# Enable packet statistics for automatically created VXLAN tunnels.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] tunnel statistics vxlan auto

Related commands

display interface tunnel (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

reset counters interface tunnel (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

statistics enable (tunnel interface view)


Use vsi to create a VSI and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI.

Use undo vsi to delete a VSI.


vsi vsi-name

undo vsi vsi-name


No VSIs exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



vsi-name: Specifies a VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

A VSI acts as a virtual switch to provide Layer 2 switching services for a VXLAN on a VTEP. A VSI has all functions of a physical Ethernet switch, including source MAC address learning, MAC address aging, and flooding.

A VSI can provide services only for one VXLAN.


# Create VSI vxlan10 and enter VSI view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vxlan10


Related commands

display l2vpn vsi


Use vxlan to create a VXLAN and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VXLAN.

Use undo vxlan to restore the default.


vxlan vxlan-id

undo vxlan


No VXLANs exist.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID. The value range for this argument is 0 to 16777215.

Usage guidelines

You can create only one VXLAN for a VSI. The VXLAN ID for each VSI must be unique.


# Create VXLAN 10000 for VSI vpna and enter VXLAN view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpna

[Sysname-vsi-vpna] vxlan 10000


Related commands


vxlan default-decapsulation

Use vxlan default-decapsulation to enable default VXLAN decapsulation.

Use undo vxlan default-decapsulation to restore the default.


vxlan default-decapsulation source interface interface-type interface-number

undo vxlan default-decapsulation source interface


Default VXLAN decapsulation is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



source interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

Usage guidelines

If a VXLAN tunnel is configured on only one VTEP of a pair of VTEPs, the VXLAN tunnel is a unidirectional tunnel to the VTEP not configured with the tunnel. In this situation, that VTEP drops the VXLAN packets received from the unidirectional VXLAN tunnel. For a VTEP to receive VXLAN packets from a unidirectional VXLAN tunnel, enable default VXLAN decapsulation on the interface whose IP address is the tunnel destination address. The VTEP will decapsulate all the VXLAN packets destined for the IP address of that interface.

This command takes effect only when the specified interface has an IP address.

Default VXLAN decapsulation does not take effect on bidirectional VXLAN tunnels. If you remove the one-way communication issue for a VXLAN tunnel by configuring the tunnel on both the local and remote VTEPs, this feature no longer takes effect on that tunnel.


# Enable default VXLAN decapsulation.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan default-decapsulation source interface hundredgige 1/0/1

vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard

Use vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard to enable the device to drop the VXLAN packets that fail UDP checksum check.

Use undo vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard to restore the default.


vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard

undo vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard


The device does not check the UDP checksum of VXLAN packets.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command enables the device to check the UDP checksum of VXLAN packets.

The device always sets the UDP checksum of VXLAN packets to 0. For compatibility with third-party devices, a VXLAN packet can pass the check if its UDP checksum is 0 or correct. If its UDP checksum is incorrect, the VXLAN packet fails the check and is dropped.


# Enable the device to drop the VXLAN packets that fail UDP checksum check.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard

Related commands

vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard

vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard

Use vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard to enable the device to drop the VXLAN packets that have 802.1Q VLAN tags in the inner Ethernet header.

Use undo vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard to restore the default.


vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard

undo vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard


The device does not check whether a VXLAN packet has 802.1Q VLAN tags in the inner Ethernet header.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

If a remote VTEP uses the Ethernet access mode, its VXLAN packets might contain 802.1Q VLAN tags. To prevent the local VTEP from dropping the VXLAN packets, do not execute the vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard command on the local VTEP.

To configure the access mode, use the xconnect vsi command.


# Enable the device to drop VXLAN packets that have 802.1Q VLAN tags.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan invalid-vlan-tag discard

Related commands

vxlan invalid-udp-checksum discard

xconnect vsi

vxlan local-mac report

Use vxlan local-mac report to enable local-MAC logging.

Use undo vxlan local-mac report to disable local-MAC logging.


vxlan local-mac report

undo vxlan local-mac report


Local-MAC logging is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

When the local-MAC logging feature is enabled, the VXLAN module immediately sends a log message with its local MAC addresses to the information center. When a local MAC address is added or removed, a log message is also sent to the information center to report the local-MAC change.

With the information center, you can set log message filtering and output rules, including output destinations. For more information about configuring the information center, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.


# Enable local-MAC logging.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan local-mac report

vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable

Use vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable to disable remote-MAC address learning.

Use undo vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable to enable remote-MAC address learning.


vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable

undo vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable


Remote-MAC address learning is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

When network attacks occur, use this command to prevent the device from learning incorrect remote MAC addresses in the data plane.


# Disable remote-MAC address learning.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan tunnel mac-learning disable

vxlan udp-port

Use vxlan udp-port to set the destination UDP port number for VXLAN packets.

Use undo vxlan udp-port to restore the default.


vxlan udp-port port-number

undo vxlan udp-port


The destination UDP port number is 4789 for VXLAN packets.


System view

Predefined user roles



port-number: Specifies a UDP port number in the range of 1 to 65535. As a best practice, specify a port number in the range of 1024 to 65535 to avoid conflict with well-known ports.

Usage guidelines

You must configure the same destination UDP port number on all VTEPs in a VXLAN.


# Set the destination UDP port number to 6666 for VXLAN packets.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan udp-port 6666

vxlan vlan-based

Use vxlan vlan-based to enable VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.

Use undo vxlan vlan-based to disable VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.


vxlan vlan-based

undo vxlan vlan-based


VLAN-based VXLAN assignment is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You can assign customer traffic to a VXLAN by using one of the following methods:

·     Ethernet service instance-to-VSI mapping—This method uses the frame match criterion of an Ethernet service instance to match a list of VLANs on a site-facing Layer 2 interface. The VTEP assigns customer traffic to a VXLAN by mapping the Ethernet service instance to a VSI.

·     VLAN-based VXLAN assignmentThis method maps a VLAN to a VXLAN. When a VLAN is mapped to a VXLAN and VLAN-based VXLAN assignment is enabled, the device automatically performs the following operations:

d.     Creates an Ethernet service instance that uses the VLAN ID as its instance ID on each interface in the VLAN. The matching outer VLAN ID of the Ethernet service instances is the VLAN ID.

e.     Maps the Ethernet service instances to the VSI of the VXLAN.

Do not configure both Ethernet service instance-to-VSI mapping and VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.


# Enable VLAN-based VXLAN assignment.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vxlan vlan-based

vxlan vni

Use vxlan vni to map a VLAN to a VXLAN.

Use undo vxlan vni to remove the VXLAN mapping for a VLAN.


vxlan vni vxlan-id

undo vxlan vni


A VLAN is not mapped to a VXLAN.


VLAN view

Predefined user roles



vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID. The value range for this argument is 0 to 16777215.

Usage guidelines

Before you map VLANs to VXLANs, enable VLAN-based VXLAN assignment by using the vxlan vlan-based command.

You cannot map VLAN 1 to any VXLAN.

If you map a VLAN to a nonexistent VXLAN, the configuration takes effect after the VXLAN is created.


# Map VLAN 10 to VXLAN 100.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vlan 10

[Sysname-vlan10] vxlan vni 100

Related commands

vxlan vlan-based

vxlan-over-vxlan enable

Use vxlan-over-vxlan enable to enable VXLAN over VXLAN on an interface.

Use undo vxlan-over-vxlan enable to disable VXLAN over VXLAN on an interface.


vxlan-over-vxlan enable

undo vxlan-over-vxlan enable


VXLAN over VXLAN is disabled on an interface.


Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

An interface enabled with VXLAN over VXLAN does not de-encapsulate incoming VXLAN packets. Do not enable this feature on a transport-facing interface.

By default, the device de-encapsulates an incoming VXLAN packet if the packet's destination UDP port number is the VXLAN destination UDP port number (configured by using vxlan udp-port). For VXLAN packets received from a non-transport-facing interface on the device to traverse the VXLAN network through VXLAN tunnels, perform the following tasks on the interface:

·     Enable VXLAN over VXLAN.

·     Configure Ethernet service instance and VSI settings for matching the VXLAN packets.

When receiving VXLAN packets on the interface, the device adds a second layer of VXLAN encapsulation to the packets and forwards them over VXLAN tunnels.


# Enable VXLAN over VXLAN on HundredGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] vxlan-over-vxlan enable

xconnect vsi

Use xconnect vsi to map an AC to a VSI.

Use undo xconnect vsi to restore the default.


xconnect vsi vsi-name [ access-mode { ethernet | vlan } ] [ track track-entry-number&<1-3> ]

undo xconnect vsi


An AC is not mapped to any VSI.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



vsi-name: Specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

access-mode: Specifies an access mode. The default access mode is VLAN.

ethernet: Specifies the Ethernet access mode.

vlan: Specifies the VLAN access mode.

track track-entry-number&<1-3>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to three track entry numbers in the range of 1 to 1024. The AC is up only if a minimum of one associated track entry is in positive state.

Usage guidelines

To monitor the status of an AC, associate it with track entries.

To configure this command for an Ethernet service instance, you must first use the encapsulation command to add a frame match criterion to the service instance.

For traffic that matches the Ethernet service instance, the system uses the VSI's MAC address table to make a forwarding decision.

Ethernet service instance bindings of VSIs are mutually exclusive with QinQ and VLAN mapping on a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface. Do not configure these features simultaneously on the same interface. Otherwise, the features cannot take effect.

Make sure the VLANs that Ethernet service instances match have been created on the device.

The access mode determines how a VTEP processes the 802.1Q VLAN tags in the inner Ethernet frames assigned to the VSI.

·     VLAN access mode—Ethernet frames received from or sent to the local site must contain 802.1Q VLAN tags.

¡     For an Ethernet frame received from the local site, the VTEP removes all its 802.1Q VLAN tags before forwarding the frame.

¡     For an Ethernet frame destined for the local site, the VTEP adds 802.1Q VLAN tags to the frame before forwarding the frame.

In VLAN access mode, VXLAN packets sent between VXLAN sites do not contain 802.1Q VLAN tags. VXLAN can provide Layer 2 connectivity for different 802.1Q VLANs between sites. You can use different 802.1Q VLANs to provide the same service in different sites.

·     Ethernet access mode—The VTEP does not process the 802.1Q VLAN tags of Ethernet frames received from or sent to the local site.

¡     For an Ethernet frame received from the local site, the VTEP forwards the frame with the 802.1Q VLAN tags intact.

¡     For an Ethernet frame destined for the local site, the VTEP forwards the frame without adding 802.1Q VLAN tags.

In Ethernet access mode, VXLAN packets sent between VXLAN sites contain 802.1Q VLAN tags. VXLAN cannot provide Layer 2 connectivity for different 802.1Q VLANs between sites. You must use the same 802.1Q VLAN to provide the same service between sites.


# On HundredGigE 1/0/1, configure Ethernet service instance 200 to match frames with an outer 802.1Q VLAN tag of 200, and map the instance to VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] quit

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] encapsulation s-vid 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] xconnect vsi vpn1

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance



OVSDB commands

ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate

Use ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate to specify a CA certificate file for establishing OVSDB SSL connections.

Use undo ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate to restore the default.


ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate ca-filename

undo ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate


SSL uses the CA certificate file in the PKI domain.


System view

Predefined user roles



ca-filename: Specifies the CA certificate file name, a case-insensitive string. The file name cannot contain the slot string.

Usage guidelines

For the specified certificate to take effect, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command to enable the OVSDB server. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.

If the specified CA certificate file does not exist, the device obtains a self-signed certificate from the controller. The obtained file uses the name specified for the ca-filename argument.


# Specify CA certificate file ca-new for establishing OVSDB SSL connections.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate ca-new

Related commands

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server pki domain

ovsdb server pssl

ovsdb server ssl

ovsdb server enable

Use ovsdb server enable to enable the OVSDB server.

Use undo ovsdb server enable to disable the OVSDB server.


ovsdb server enable

undo ovsdb server enable


The OVSDB server is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

To obtain configuration data from controllers, you must enable the OVSDB server.

Before you enable the OVSDB server, you must establish an OVSDB SSL or TCP connection with a minimum of one controller.


# Enable the OVSDB server.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server pki domain

Use ovsdb server pki domain to specify a PKI domain for establishing OVSDB SSL connections.

Use undo ovsdb bootstrap server pki domain to restore the default.


ovsdb server pki domain domain-name

undo ovsdb server pki domain


No PKI domain is specified for establishing OVSDB SSL connections.


System view

Predefined user roles



domain-name: Specifies a PKI domain name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. The PKI domain must already exist and contain a complete certificate and key.

Usage guidelines

To communicate with controllers through SSL, you must specify a PKI domain.

For the specified PKI domain to take effect, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command to enable the OVSDB server. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.

For more information about PKI domains, see PKI in Security Configuration Guide.


# Specify PKI domain ovsdb_test for establishing OVSDB SSL connections.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server pki domain ovsdb_test

Related commands

ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server pssl

ovsdb server ssl

ovsdb server pssl

Use ovsdb server pssl to enable the device to listen for OVSDB SSL connection requests.

Use undo ovsdb server pssl to restore the default.


ovsdb server pssl [ port port-number ]

undo ovsdb server pssl


The device does not listen for OVSDB SSL connection requests.


System view

Predefined user roles



port port-number: Specifies a port to listen for OVSDB SSL connection requests. The value range for the port-number argument is 1 to 65535. If you do not specify a port, the device uses the port number 6640.

Usage guidelines

Before you use this command, you must specify a PKI domain for SSL.

You can specify only one port to listen for OVSDB SSL connection requests. If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

For the specified port setting to take effect, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command to enable the OVSDB server. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.


# Enable the device to listen for OVSDB SSL connection requests on port 6640.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server pssl

Related commands

ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server pki domain

ovsdb server ssl

ovsdb server ptcp

Use ovsdb server ptcp to enable the device to listen for OVSDB TCP connection requests.

Use undo ovsdb server ptcp to restore the default.


ovsdb server ptcp [ port port-number ] [ acl acl-number ]

undo ovsdb server ptcp


The device does not listen for OVSDB TCP connection requests.


System view

Predefined user roles



port-number: Specifies a port to listen for OVSDB TCP connection requests. The value range for the port-number argument is 1 to 65535. If you do not specify a port, the device uses the port number 6640.

acl acl-number: Specifies a basic IPv4 ACL by its ACL number to filter OVSDB TCP connection requests. The value range for the acl-number argument is 2000 to 2999. This option is supported only in Release 6555P02 and later.

Usage guidelines

You can specify only one port to listen for OVSDB TCP connection requests. If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

For the specified port setting to take effect, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command to enable the OVSDB server. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.

If you specify a basic IPv4 ACL for this command, the OVSDB server accepts only the OVSDB TCP connection requests that are permitted by the ACL. The OVSDB server rejects any OVSDB TCP connection requests that do not match the ACL or that are denied by the ACL.

The OVSDB server does not filter OVSDB TCP connection requests in any of the following situations:

·     No IPv4 ACL is specified for this command.

·     The specified IPv4 ACL does not exist.

·     The specified IPv4 ACL does not have rules.

You can specify only one IPv4 ACL to filter OVSDB TCP connection requests. If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

Modification to rules in the specified IPv4 ACL takes effect only on OVSDB TCP connection requests that are received after the modification. If you specify another IPv4 ACL, the IPv4 ACL also takes effect only on OVSDB TCP connection requests that are received after the modification.


# Enable the device to listen for OVSDB TCP connection requests on port 6640.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server ptcp

Related commands

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server tcp

ovsdb server ssl

Use ovsdb server ssl to set up an active OVSDB SSL connection to a controller.

Use undo ovsdb server ssl to remove an OVSDB SSL connection from a controller.


ovsdb server ssl ip ip-address port port-number

undo ovsdb server ssl ip ip-address port port-number


The device does not have active OVSDB SSL connections to a controller.


System view

Predefined user roles



ip ip-address: Specifies the destination IP address for the SSL connection.

port port-number: Specifies the destination port for the SSL connection. The value range for the port-number argument is 1 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

Before you use this command, you must specify a PKI domain for SSL.

The device can have a maximum of eight active SSL connections.

To establish the connection, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.


# Set up an active SSL connection to port 6632 at

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server ssl ip port 6632

Related commands

ovsdb server bootstrap ca-certificate

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server pki domain

ovsdb server pssl

ovsdb server tcp

Use ovsdb server tcp to set up an active OVSDB TCP connection to a controller.

Use undo ovsdb server tcp to remove an OVSDB TCP connection.


ovsdb server tcp ip ip-address port port-number

undo ovsdb server tcp ip ip-address port port-number


The device does not have active OVSDB TCP connections.


System view

Predefined user roles



ip ip-address: Specifies the destination IP address for the TCP connection.

port port-number: Specifies the destination port for the TCP connection. The value range for the port-number argument is 1 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

The device can have a maximum of eight active OVSDB TCP connections.

To establish the connection, you must execute the ovsdb server enable command. You must disable and then re-enable the OVSDB server if it has been enabled.


# Set up an active OVSDB TCP connection to port 6632 at

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ovsdb server tcp ip port 6632

Related commands

ovsdb server enable

ovsdb server ptcp

vtep access port

Use vtep access port to specify a site-facing interface as a VTEP access port.

Use undo vtep access port to restore the default.


vtep access port

undo vtep access port


An interface is not a VTEP access port.


Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

For controllers to manage a site-facing interface, you must specify the interface as a VTEP access port.


# Specify HundredGigE 1/0/1 as a VTEP access port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] vtep access port

vtep acl disable

Use vtep acl disable to disable the ACLs issued by the OVSDB controller.

Use undo vtep acl disable to enable the ACLs issued by the OVSDB controller.


vtep acl disable

undo vtep acl disable


The ACLs issued by the OVSDB controller are enabled on the device.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Before you use this command, you must use the vtep enable command to enable the OVSDB VTEP service.

Use the vtep acl disable command on a VTEP to disable all the ACLs issued by the OVSDB controller in order to save ACL resources on the VTEP.


# Disable the ACLs issued by the OVSDB controller.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vtep enable

[sysname] vtep acl disable

Related commands

vtep enable

vtep enable

Use vtep enable to enable the OVSDB VTEP service.

Use undo vtep enable to disable the OVSDB VTEP service.


vtep enable

undo vtep enable


The OVSDB VTEP service is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



# Enable the OVSDB VTEP service.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vtep enable

vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy

Use vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy to enable flood proxy on multicast VXLAN tunnels.

Use undo vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy to disable flood proxy on multicast VXLAN tunnels.


vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy

undo vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy


Flood proxy is disabled on multicast VXLAN tunnels.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Flood proxy is supported on multicast VXLAN tunnels only when the OVSDB controller is a NSX controller from VMware.

If you use a flood proxy server, you must enable flood proxy globally on multicast tunnels. Then the multicast tunnels are converted into flood proxy tunnels. The VTEP sends broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast traffic for a VXLAN to the flood proxy server through the tunnels. The flood proxy server then replicates and forwards flood traffic to remote VTEPs.

After you enable flood proxy on multicast VXLAN tunnels, if the controller issues VSI configuration, the system automatically disables ARP flood suppression on all VSIs issued by the controller. If the controller does not issue VSI configuration, the system does not automatically change the state of ARP flood suppression.

If you do not enable flood proxy on multicast VXLAN tunnels, the system does not automatically change the state of ARP flood suppression regardless of whether the controller issues VSI configuration.

The vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy command and its undo form affect only VXLAN tunnels that are issued after the vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy command.


# Enable flood proxy on all multicast VXLAN tunnels.

<Sysname> system

[Sysname] vxlan tunnel flooding-proxy


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