H3C hREST 1.24 Release Notes

Release time:2023-12-12
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H3C hREST-1.24 Release Notes















































Copyright © 2023 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.

Except for the trademarks of New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd., any trademarks that may be mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.




Version information

Version number

Version history

Software operating environments

Hardware and software compatibility matrix

Upgrade restrictions and guidelines

Hardware feature updates

From version 1.09 to version 1.24

Software feature and command updates

Version 1.24

Version 1.23

Version 1.22

Version 1.21

Version 1.20P02

Version 1.19P01

Version 1.18

Version 1.17

Version 1.16P01

Version 1.15P01

Version 1.14

Version 1.11

Version 1.10

Version 1.09

MIB updates

Operation changes

Restrictions and cautions

Usage limit

Restrictions and guidelines

Open problems and workarounds

List of resolved problems

Resolved problems in 1.24

Resolved problems in 1.23

Resolved problems in 1.22

Resolved problems in 1.21

Resolved problems in 1.20

Resolved problems in 1.19P01

Resolved problems in 1.18

Resolved problems in 1.17

Resolved problems in 1.16P01

Resolved problems in 1.15P01

Resolved problems in 1.14

Resolved problems in 1.11

Resolved problems in 1.10

Resolved problems in 1.09

Related documentation

Documentation set

Obtaining the documentation

Technical support



List of Tables

Table 1 Version history



This document introduces the features, usage restrictions, issues, and mitigation measures of hREST version.

Use this document with documents listed in the "Related documentation" section.

Version information

Version number

Version number: 1.24

Target file name and MD5 checksum of this version:

RS3M2C9S601.24.zip: 1dfcc67f1ef2ff94dc56771250727a64

Version history

Table 1 Version history

Version number

Previous version

Release date

Version type





ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade




ESS version

Optional upgrade


Software operating environments

Windows system

Windows 2012 R2, Windows7, and Windows10

Linux operating systems

CentOS6.2 and CentOS7.3

Hardware and software compatibility matrix

As a best practice, use this version with HDM-1.30.15 and later versions. Some features have special requirements for the version, which will be explained in hREST User Guide.

hREST is only applicable to the published generic HDM versions and does not support customized HDM versions.

Upgrade restrictions and guidelines


Hardware feature updates

In this manual, the models of all components have been simplified (for example, by removing prefixes and suffixes). For example, the memory model DDR4-2666-8G-1Rx8-R represents the following models that users might see: UN-DDR4-2666-8G-1Rx8-R, UN-DDR4-2666-8G-1Rx8-R-F, and UN-DDR4-2666-8G-1Rx8-R-S.

From version 1.09 to version 1.24


Software feature and command updates 

Version 1.24

1.Changed the host name length range to 1-63.

2.Added compatibility with G6 servers.

3.Added access policy and cache policy configuration to logical drives for G3 and G5 servers.

4.Optimized the name display for the memory information acquisition function.

5.Modified the false alarm issue that occurs when you set the service configuration timeout in in-band mode.

6.Resolved the issue of firmware upgrade failure for BMC and BIOS in in-band mode.

7.Resolved the issue of SMTP email address not taking effect in in-band mode.

8.Added system audit configuration items to role permissions for G6 servers.

9.Added the -q parameter to control the IPMI port number to adapt to changes in the IPMI port number.

10.Modified the CE Limit memory inspection policy.

11.Resolved the error prompt that occurs when you configure the SNMP community name in HDM-1.10.xx.

12.Resolved the issue of user configuration for KVM and VMM permissions not taking effect on HDM in HDM-1.10.xx.

13.Added a function to obtain server health status and hardware information with one click.

14.Modified the validation issue of If-Match value under mobile CID.

15.Added the remaining life field to the function for obtaining physical disk information.

16.Added bit width display to the memory information acquisition function.

17.Revised the user manual.

18.Resolved the issue of running errors in the Debian system.

19.Modified the abnormal display issue of RAID controller part number for upgrade.

20.Optimized batch script display.

21.Adapted the setbios and getbios function to special version of CT Cloud.

22.Added the Chassis Part Number field to the display of the obtained product information.

Version 1.23

1.Added the operation log collection function to the tool.

2.Added the HD type to virtual media mounting.

3.Resolved the display display issue for some firmware in HDM B02.

4.Added version description to the user manual for the LLDP setting failure issue.

5.Modified the description of obtaining memory information in the user manual.

6.Resolved the issue where the memory slot numbers are displayed differently in in-band mode and out-of-band mode.

Version 1.22

1.Corrected the description errors in the user manual.

2.Optimized the HDM version display difference issue for the obtaining firmware version information function (getfwv).

3.Resolved the display issue for the obtaining specified memory information function (getmemory).

4.Resolved the display issue of the obtaining physical disk information function (getpdisk).

5.Released the In-band mode for some functions.

6.Optimized the time-consuming of obtaining memory information in in-band mode.

7.Added four fields to the display of the obtaining GPU information function (getgpu).

8.Optimized the parameters for setting the SMTP function.

Version 1.21

1.Added the function to obtain SMTP configuration (getsmtp).

2.Added the SMTP configuration setting function.

3.Added the VNC password setup function.

4.Added compatibility with SNMP feature setup for B02 version.

5.Resolved the issue of being unable to delete the SNMP alarm trap server.

Version 1.20P02

1.Added the query function for querying the BIOS pending configuration.

2.Resolved the false reporting issue that occurs when you delete a firewall whitelist or blacklist entry.

3.Resolved the abnormal main/standby switchover issue when only one power supply is present.

4.Added in-band functions.

5.Resolved the abnormal recording issue for some operation logs.

6.Resolved the issue where the in-band commands cannot specify port numbers.

7.Resolved the issue that occurs when you restore the BIOS factory settings when there is no current BIOS factory configuration.

8.Resolved the issue of BMC restoring to factory settings.

9.Resolved the issue where the obtaining memory function cannot display models and SN numbers.

10.Resolved the BIOS issue of hyper-threading status display in some G5 version.

Version 1.19P01

1.Resolved the If-Match check issue with some setting functions.

2.Changed the function name of setting asset tag number from setproductinfo to setassettag.

3.Added the function to set device name (sethostname).

4.Added functions to obtain and set the shared port NCSI function, corresponding to getncsi and setncsi.

5.Resolved the false alarm issue caused by import configuration timeout.

6.Resolved the issue of being unable to delete NTP server address in the setting of NTP function.

7.Added the setting system boot function (setsysboot).

8.Resolved the Level-3 cache display issue for obtaining CPU information.

9.Resolved the issue of false reporting of the result of setting IP information.

10.Added the function to obtain product information and display device name information.

11.Resolved the file size limit issue for REPO firmware upgrade.

Version 1.18

1.Added the virtual media mounting function.

2.Resolved the issue of the default HTTPS port number not taking effect.

3.Resolved the inconsistent display issue of the overall health status function.

4.Modified the firmware upgrade function to no longer restrict file type by configuration files.

5.Updated the user manual.

6.Added support for obtaining fan information for the 4330 G5 model.

Version 1.17

1.Resolved the configuration failure issue under SNMP V3 version.

2.Resolved the BIOS configuration intermittent failure issue.

3.Resolved the issue where the firmware version obtaining function blocks the internal version number.

4.Resolved the issue where the system prompts you that the BIOS configuration takes effect upon a restart after you configure the BIOS.

5.Added the function of closing the shared network port.

Version 1.16P01

1.Resolved the error issue when the tool adds users in HDM-1.10.xx.

2.Resolved the display issue of the server health status function.

3.Resolved the display issue of obtaining physical disk function when there is no controller card.

4.Resolved the display issue in the TemperatureCelsius field for the obtaining RAID card function.

5.Resolved the issue that occurs in recording HDM operation logs for setting physical disk function.

6.Added support for the SNMP function to support a maximum of eight Trap servers.

7.Resolved the display issue caused by inconsistent sensor slot naming in the memory inspection function.

8.Resolved the fan number displaying issue of the obtaining fan information function for the 5300 G5.

9.Resolved the issue of excessive information printing for the obtaining firewall status function.

10.Resolved the issue of fan information being inconsistent with HDM on the 6900 G5 server.

Version 1.15P01

1.Introduced the logging function to the tool.

2.Added the function to retrieve LDAP configuration (getldap).

3.Added the function to obtain AD configuration (getad).

4.Added functions to obtain and set two-factor authentication information (getfactorauth and setfactorauth).

5.Added functions to get and set LLDP configurations (getlldp and setlldp).

6.Added functions to get and set DNS services (getdns and setdns).

7.Added functions to get and set video recording configuration (getvidepcfg and setvideocfg).

8.Added functions to obtain and set system performance information (getsysperf and setsysperf).

9.Added the power mode setting feature.

10.Added the function to set logical disk properties.

11.Resolved the timeout issue for the one-click SDS log download.

12.Added the memory inspection feature.

13.Resolved the issue of failed logical volume deletion.

Version 1.14

1.Resolved the issue of HDM version obtaining startup items being empty.

2.Resolved the issue of some HDM versions failing to set user passwords.

3.Updated the ipmitool tool to version 1.8.18.

Version 1.11

1.Resolved the permission issues occurred on adduser, setuser, getrole, setrole, addaduser, and addldapuser user groups caused by user-defined role name groups.

2.Resolved the abnormal display issue when you query physical disks without RAID controllers.

3.Added the password length limit for the setting ad user function (setad).

4.Modified the importSSHKey function.

5.Added the SSH Key deletion (delsshkey) function.

6.Resolved the issue of BIOS modification not taking effect in the B01 version.

7.Resolved the issue of firmware upgrade showing current firmware version as None.

8.Resolved the issue where the capacitor status for controllers without capacitors is empty if you query storage information (getstorageg).

9.Resolved the issue where the BIOS configuration and query failed in B01 version.

Version 1.10

1.Resolved the issue where connection cannot be established if the HDM user password contains special characters.

2.Added field display for getpsu, getpcie, and getpdisk.

3.Added the importsshkey module to achieve the requirement of password-free login by importing SSH keys.

Version 1.09

1.Resolved the issue where restful interface session establishment fails in HDM-2.16 and later versions.

2.Resolved the issue of misjudgment of the upgrade result during the firmware upgrade process.

3.Added the usage guidelines for configuration overriding during firmware update.

MIB updates


Operation changes


Restrictions and cautions

Usage limit


Restrictions and guidelines


Open problems and workarounds


List of resolved problems

Resolved problems in 1.24


Symptom: Using a time parameter that is not within the legal range to set the service configuration timeout, the command returns a successful setup, but it does not take effect in reality.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use a time parameter that is not within the legal range to set the service configuration timeout.

Resolved problems in 1.23


Symptom: Using hREST to obtain memory information in-band and out-of-band from the same server, the numerical slot number information displayed is inconsistent.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use hREST to obtain memory information in-band and out-of-band from the same server.


Symptom: When using the hREST tool to query the firmware information of the R4900 G3 server with HDM B02 version, an error is reported in the query result.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use hREST to query the firmware information of R4900 G3 server with HDM B02 version.

Resolved problems in 1.22


Symptom: After querying the BMC version of HDM B01 using hREST, then querying the BMC version of HDM B03, the two returned fields do not match.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use hREST to query the BMC version of HDM B01, and then query the BMC version of HDM B03.


Symptom: Using hREST to send an SMTP setting command without any parameters, the command returns a success result.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use hREST to send an SMTP setting command without any parameters.

Resolved problems in 1.21


Symptom: When you update the HDM version of R4900 G3 server to B02 version, setting SNMPTrap fails.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you update the R4900 G3 server HDM version to B02 version.

Resolved problems in 1.20


Symptom: After modifying the HDM network configuration, when using the LDAP domain account to issue an hREST command, an error of incorrect username or password is reported.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use an LDAP domain account to issue hREST commands after modifying the HDM network configuration.

Resolved problems in 1.19P01


Symptom: On a server with modified BIOS configuration, using utool to restore the factory settings, the tool indicates a successful recovery, but it actually does not take effect.

Condition: This symptom might occur when you use utool to restore the factory configuration on a server with modified BIOS settings.


Symptom: When you configure SNMP functionality for the R4900 G3 server switched to mobile CID using hREST, the operation fails.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you configure SNMP function using hREST for the R4900 G3 server switched to mobile CID.

Resolved problems in 1.18


Symptom: After you change the web port number of the server to non-default value 443 and send commands with the modified port number using hREST, some functions become unavailable.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you change the web port number of the server to the non-default value 443 and send the command using the modified port number with hREST.

Resolved problems in 1.17


Symptom: When you set the SNMP Trap version to v3 using the hRest tool, an attempt to set the alarm Trap server again fails.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use the hREST tool with SNMP Trap version set to v3, and then configure the alarm Trap server.

Resolved problems in 1.16P01


Symptom: Using the hREST tool to obtain fan information for the 6900 G5 server, the number of fans is inconsistent with the actual display on the HDM page.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use the hREST tool to obtain fan information for the 6900 G5 server.

Resolved problems in 1.15P01


Symptom: Using hREST tool to delete logical volumes on server's LSI controller, the system reports and error but the actual logical volume has been successfully deleted.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use the hREST tool to delete logical volumes on the server's LSI controller.


Symptom: Under the Windows system, when hREST uses an IPV6 address to obtain HDM information, it reports an "address unreachable" error.

Condition: This symptom might occur if hREST under Windows system uses an IPV6 address to obtain HDM information.

Resolved problems in 1.14


Symptom: Before hREST-1.14, there were occasional data corruption under certain impact processes (around 2000 packets/second).

Condition: This symptom might occur under certain impacts of the hREST-1.14 version (around 2000 packets per second).

Resolved problems in 1.11


Symptom: Using hREST to upgrade BMC firmware version, after the upgrade, the previous version is displayed as None.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you upgrade the BMC firmware using hREST.

Resolved problems in 1.10


Symptom: When you obtain PCIE information through hREST, the slot number and manufacturer name are displayed as None.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you get PCIE information through hREST.

Resolved problems in 1.09


Symptom: When you use hREST to collect SDS logs with HDM2.18 version, the collection of SDS logs fails.

Condition: This symptom might occur if you use hREST with the HDM2.18 version to collect SDS logs.

Related documentation

Documentation set


Obtaining the documentation

Access the most up-to-date H3C product documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.h3c.com.

Select a product category and model to obtain the documentation of the product.

Technical support

To obtain support services, contact H3C Support at service@h3c.com.


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