H3C Hospitality Guest Wi-Fi Solution is designed to provide fast and stable wireless network services for hotel industry, along with flexible and personalized portal page designs. It enables customers to input relevant information, conducts data analysis, and delivers targeted advertisements and activity information accordingly.
For various hotel scenarios, H3C offers a comprehensive suite of wired and wireless network equipment, along with a unified cloud management platform. By partnering with third-party providers, H3C enables seamless integration with guest Wi-Fi platforms, facilitating custom captive portal designs, Wi-Fi marketing, and advanced analytics.
Allow customers to login to Wi-Fi using different social media platforms and providing them with intuitive access to hotel and retail activities Enhances the overall brand image and elevates customer experience
With limited investment in ICT, there is a need to explore various avenues to generate revenue. Utilizing Wi-Fi as a platform to push advertisements and activity information in hotel settings turns Wi-Fi into a new marketing gateway
Gathering and analyzing Wi-Fi information data, to assist hotels in better understanding customer behavior Enabling them to formulate more effective marketing strategies for future business operations.